Please be informed, that our Rescue Centre for birds of Prey in Crnika near Sv.Juraj (south of Senj) is permanently CLOSED. With a heavy heart, we had to close the Centre. Udruga Grifon ima za dugoročni cilj očuvanje posljednje hrvatske populacije bjeloglavih supova, te stvaranje uvjeta za njihov povratak na Kvarnerske otoke s kojih su izumrli te u druga bivša staništa, odnosno kolonije s kojih su izumrli (Učka, Paklenica, Zrmanja, Krka, Biokovo itd.) Isto tako, nastojat ćemo ostvariti i uvjete za povratak u Hrvatsku regionalno izumrlih vrsta: crkavice (Neophron percnopterus), supa starješine (Aegypius monachus) i kostoberine (Gypaetus barbatus).
Udruga Grifon ima posebnu ulogu u prikupljanju znanstvenih podataka o najugroženijim vrstama ptica grabljivica, te educiranju školske djece i šire javnosti o važnosti ptica grabljivica i njihovoj ulozi u prirodi.
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facebook.comNovosti o našem Torgosu! Danas smo od kustosice ICBP-a Holly Cale dobili par fotki i kratko izvješće o tome kako je naš Torgos. Izvrsno se snašao, a društvo mu prave dvije Smeđe crkavice, koje mu pomalo dosađuju (i podsjećaju ga na Afriku), ali mu se dive i obožavaju ga :-) News about our Torgos! Today we received from Holly Cale, the curator of ICBP, a few photos and a report about our Torgos. She said: "The vulture arrived in good health and settled in very well. Initially he/she went into our quarantine aviaries when it was happily eating withing the first day and enjoying the sunshine on the perch with the best view. He/she has now been moved into our big vulture and eagle barn with two Hooded vultures for company at this time. They seem very settled together although I think he is slightly perplexed by the two, and they definitely hero worship him!"
Photos from Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society's post
Naš je Alan (CSP) izgleda odlučio ostati u Francuskoj :-). Danas smo dobili informaciju od kolege Roberta Straughana, koji nam je poslao i njegovu fotku na hranilištu na području gdje su reintroducirani bjeloglavi supovi (Grand Causses, NP Cevennes). Da se podsjetimo: Alan je u naše Oporavilište stigao 28 kolovoza 2014.g. Nakon uspješnog oporavka, pušten je ponovno u prirodu 23. svibnja 2015. iznad Lukova. Već 20-tak dana kasnije pronašao je hranilište u talijanskim Alpama gdje je ostao to ljeto. U jesen 2016.g. viđen je na jednom drugom hranilištu u Francuskim Alpama, a sad je odlučio otići još zapadnije. Sretni smo da je dobro, nije gladan zahvaljujući brizi francuskih kolega i nadamo se da će i ostati tamo. It seems that our Alan (CSP) decided to stay in France :-). Today, we received information from our colleague Robert Straughan, who also sent us Alan's photo at the vulture restaurant at the location where Griffons were reintroduced (Grand Causses, NP Cevennes). To recall: Alan arrived in our Rescue Centre on August 28, 2014. After a successful recovery, we released him back into the nature on May 23, 2015, above Lukovo. Already 20 days later, he found a vulture restaurant in the Italian Alps, and remained there whole Summer. In the autumn of 2016. He was seen at another vulture restaurant in the French Alps, and now he decided to go further west. We are happy that he is well, not hungry thanks to the care of our French colleagues and we hope he will stay there.
Photos from Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society's post
Tijekom ovogodišnjeg prstenovanja i prebrojavanja gnijezda naišli smo i na prekrasno iznenađenje. Naš je Modrak postao sretni tata! Naime, Modrak je prstenovan u gnijezdu, kao beba, u svibnju 2012.g. na Cresu. No, 15. kolovoza pao je u more, spašen je i prebačen u Oporavilište. Bio je u jako lošem stanju i trebala mu je posebna njega 24h, što su odrađivali Nives Radek i Quentin Mikičić. U prirodu smo ga ponovno pustili u proljeće 2013.g. ali kako je u Oporavilištu skinuo prsten COY, dobio je novi - CFL. U prirodi se dobro snašao i viđan je 2013, 2014. i 2015.g. u Italiji, na hranilištu u Alpama. Veselilo nas je da je živ, ali najviše smo se razveselili kad smo ga zatekli kako brine o maleckom potomku! Tko zna što si je mislio kad nas je vidio kako mu dolazimo prstenovati dijete :-D During this year's ringing and counting of Griffon's nests we have also come to a wonderful surprise. Our Modrak became a happy dad! Namely, Modrak was ringed as a baby, in May 2012 on the Island of Cres. But on August 15, he fell into the sea, rescued and moved to our Rescue Centre. He was in a very bad condition and needed special care for him for 24h, which was done by Nives Radek and Quentin Mikičić. We released him in the spring of 2013. But as he removed the COY ring in the cage, so he got a new one - CFL. Modrak behaved well in nature and was seen in 2013, 2014 and 2015 in Italy,at a vulture restaurant in the Alps. We were glad that he was alive, but we were most happy when we found him worrying about his the little kid! Who knows what did he mean when he saw us coming to ring his baby? :-D
Psi laju, a karavane prolaze
Psi laju, a karavane prolaze i dalje pomaže. Hvala.
Timeline Photos
Prilikom prstenovanja i prebrojavanja gnijezda bjeloglavih supova na Kvarneru, utvrdili smo nekoliko tužnih činjenica. Prvo, broj reprodukcijskih parova i njihova uspješnost gniježđenja i dalje pada. Broj aktivnih gnijezda na Cresu se, u odnosu na stanje 2013.g. smanjio za gotovo 30%, a broj uspješno othranjenih mladih pao je za 23%. Na Krku, gdje se odvija ilegalno trovanje čagljeva od kojeg je u dvije godine stradalo najmanje 10 supova, broj aktivnih gnijezda smanjio se za 43%, a broj othranjenih mladunaca za 18%. Sljedeće što nas je rastužilo i zabrinulo je činjenica da još nikada u ovo vrijeme nismo u gnijezdima zatekli toliki broj tek izvaljenih mladih, premalih da bismo im stavili prsten. Radi se o ponovljenim polozima, a pretpostavljamo da su prvi polozi propali uslijed nedostatka hrane. No, kako su roditelji na gnijezda slijetali praznih volja, a i mladi nisu imali pune volje dok smo ih prstenovali, nije teško zaključiti da će i ovi "piceki" uginuti od gladi... During the ringing and counting of the nests of Griffon vultures in Kvarner, we found several sad facts. First, the number of reproductive pairs and their nesting success continues to fall. The number of active nests on the Island of Cres is, compared to the state of 2013. decreased by almost 30%, and the number of successfuly fledged chicks dropped by 23%. On the Island of Krk, where illegal poisoning of jackals takes place (and where we found at least 10 poisoned Griffon vultures in two years), the number of active nests decreased by 43% and the number of fledged juveniles by 18%. The next thing that made us sad and worried was the fact that we had never found such a big number of freshly hatched nestlings in the nests at this time of the year. They were too small to put them in a ring, mostly 7 to 10 days old. There were replacement clutches, and we assume that the first clutches have failed due to lack of food. But as the parents fled at nests with empty crops, and the nestlings' crops were empty as well, it is not difficult to conclude that these "chickens" will die of starvation ...
Photos from Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society's post
Ipak smo uspjeli! I pored nedostatka novaca, i ove smo godine, po 28. puta uspjeli prebrojiti mlade supove u gnijezdima na Kvarnerskim otocima, te u samo dva dana prstenovati 22 mladunca. Time se sveukupni broj u ovih dvadeset i osam godina popeo na 988 prstenovana bjeloglava supa. Takav uspjeh možemo zahvaliti izuzetnom, uhodanom timu koji su i ove godine činili penjači Branko Jalžić i Filip Brdovčak, pomagači Damir Lovretić i Ognjen Vukadinović, kapetan broda Nikola Kesten i voditelj projekta dr.Goran Sušić. Partnerstvo udruge Grifon s udrugom KPA "3.maj" iz Rijeke pokazalo se kao jedino moguće rješenje u razdoblju poput ovoga koje je nastupilo, kad bez podrške nadležnih institucija obavljamo posao od općeg interesa. Svi su se članovi tima odrekli honorara, a prikupljeni novci za neophodne troškove donacija su dobrih ljudi: Jozo Slejko, Sandra Božićević, Gordana Zec, Elena Nikolac, Višnja Deći, Koraljka Polaček, Ljiljana Vrbanec, Gordan Špaček, Cornelia Kruchten i Tanja Rath, te tvrtke Orto-Nova i Swissmehanic. Puno, puno vam hvala smima! We succeeded! Despite the lack of money, this year we were able to count the young Griffons on Kvarner islands, for the 28th time, and in just two days we have put rings on 22 chicks. Thus, the total number in these twenty-eight years has risen to 988 ringed Griffon vultures. Such a success can be thanked to the extraordinary team. This year there were climbers Branko Jalžić and Filip Brdovčak, assistants Damir Lovretić and Ognjen Vukadinović, captain of the boat Nikola Kesten and project manager Dr. Goran Sušić. Partnership of our NGO Grifon with the NGO KPA "3.maj" from Rijeka proved to be the only possible solution in a period such as this, which occurred when we are without the support of the competent institutions, even when we are doing a business of general interest. All the members of the team gave up their royalties, and the money raised for the necessary costs were donations from several good people: Jozo Slejko, Sandra Božićević, Gordana Zec, Elena Nikolac, Višnja Deći, Koraljka Polaček, Ljiljana Vrbanec, Gordan Špaček, Cornelia Kruchten and Tanja Rath as well as companies Orto-Nova and Swissmehanic. Thank you very very much!
Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society
Uskoro kreće 28. godina uzastopce... Coming soon: the 28th years in succession ...
Photos from Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society's post
Dr. Goran Sušić i naša volonterka i suradnica gđa. Cornelia Kruchten ovih su dana objavili u poznatom njemačkom ornitološkom časopisu Der Falke članak o stanju, odnosno rezultatima praćenja populacije i zaštiti bjeloglavog supa na Kvarneru. Dr. Goran Sušić and our volunteer and associate Mrs. Cornelia Kruchten published recently an article in the famous German ornithological journal Der Falke on the status, i.e. results of the monitoring of the Griffon vulture population and its protection in Kvarner area.
Photos from Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society's post
OŠ "Nad Lipom" iz Zagreba ponovno je posvojila bjeloglavog supa po imenu "Roko". Ekološka grupa predvođena profesoricom Vesnom Đurek već godinama sudjeluje u našem programu posvajanja supova. Stoga smo odlučili zahvaliti se toj školi poklonom. I poklonili smo im naš Cvijet leptira, table za crtanje leptira otiscima prstiju, te crtež supa na aluminiju, pod imenom "Grifi čita knjigu". Danas je stigao njihov kombi i uvjereni smo da će se djeca razveseliti poklonu. The Primary School "Nad Lipom" from Zagreb has once again adopted our Griffon vulture named "Roko". The ecological group led by Professor Vesna Đurek has been participating in our adoption program for years. That is why we decided to thank this school with a gift. And we gave them our Butterfly Flower, a drawing board to draw butterflies with fingerprints, and an Griffon drawing on aluminum, called "Grifi Reads a Book". Today their van has arrived and we are confident that the kids will be cheered by the gift.
KRVAVI TROFEJI / Na Bliskom istoku ubijaju hrvatske bjeloglave supove, a potom se hvale na Facebooku 📷
Potpišite peticiju! Sign the petition!
Photos from Grifon - Birds of Prey Conservation Society's post
Dragecu u spomen... Bio si s nama u prvim godinama prstenovanja supova, "navodio" si penjače na pozicije, a zbog ranog ustajanja i "tjeranja" ostalih da ustanu u 6h u jutro, odlučili smo 1990.g. mladom supu s krilnim markerom br. 5 dati ime Dragec-Vragec. S tobom je bilo uvijek zabavno, o svemu si brinuo savjesno (od opreme do spašavanja srndaća od utapanja) i bio si izvanredan poznavatelj ptica..nedostajat ćeš nam. Pozdravlja te tim za prstenovanje supova. Memory of Dragec... You were with us in the first years of the ringing of the Griffon vultures, you "focused" climbers to their positions, and because of the early wake-up and because you "forced" others to wake-up at 6 a.m. in the morning, we decided (in 1990) to name a juvenile Griffon (with wing-tag no. 5) - Dragec-Vragec. It was always fun with you, you care about everything (from equipment to rescue of roe-deer from drowning) and you were an outstanding ornithologist. We will miss you. The Griffon's ringing team welcomes you.
KLEPETAN SE VRATIO, ALI TESLA NIJE / Hrvatske rode pobili nad Libanonom, crnom točkom puta naših ptica selica
Molimo vas potpišite peticiju! Znamo da je u Libanonu ubijen najmanje jedan naš prstenovani sup..ali i mnoge druge vrste ptica, u ogromnom broju... Please sign the petition! We know that in Lebanon at least one of our ringed Griffon vulture was killed as well..but many other species of birds in huge numbers, as well...
