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Prolaz Marije Krucifikse Kozulić 1, Rijeka, Croatia
Internet Company



Coadria is an international development center for a number of North American companies. We work as an integrated part of our American partners' teams. Coadria is an international development center for a number of North American companies.
The technologies that we use are various, since our development teams work in different areas, from Business Intelligence to enterprise, web and mobile application development, but as a rule, we’re focused on cutting-edge technologies.
In a matter of several years, our team has grown from the original 10 employees to over 60 and counting. We work as an integrated part of our American partners' teams where we’re learning, growing, striving for excellence while having a good time and a relaxed office culture.
Through years of engagement, we were able to develop a successful cooperation with all major educational institutions in our region. We’re actively working on integrating our core technologies into the curriculum and give students a chance to work on real-world projects straight out of college.

Coadria je međunarodni razvojni centar za niz sjevernoameričkih tvrtki.
Tehnologije koje koristimo vrlo su različite jer radimo na mnogim područjima, od poslovne inteligencije do programiranja enterprise, web i mobilnih aplikacija, ali u pravilu radi se o cutting-edge tehnologijama.
U nekoliko godina naš se tim od početnih 10 djelatnika proširio na punih 60, a i dalje rastemo. Djelujemo kao integrirani dio timova naših sjeverno-američkih partnera, učimo, razvijamo se, volimo postizati izvrsnost i zabavljati se nakon dobro obavljenog posla.

Kroz godine djelovanja, ostvarili smo uspješnu suradnju sa svim relevantnim obrazovnim ustanovama na području Primorsko-Goranske županije i aktivno pridonosimo tome da se nove tehnologije integriraju u nastavne programe te da studenti imaju priliku usvojiti znanja s kojima mogu početi raditi na pravim projektima odmah po završetku fakulteta.


New year, new opportunities! Join Coadria as a front-end developer, back-end developer or a QA engineer! Check out our open positions below and apply now:

Hope your holidays will be as warm and sweet as a cup of hot cocoa and filled with more granted wishes than you can count #HappyChristmas #HappyHolidays #CantWait #Celebrate #Celebration #HoHoHo #Holiday #MerryXmas #Snowflakes #HappyNewYear 🎅🎅🎅🎅🎅🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

You like to test things and make them work better? Apply for our position via link below:

Coadria is on RITEH job fair. Come and chat with us about our open positions!

Coadria is looking for an experienced team lead with excellent knowledge of JavaScript for an interesting opportunity! Have you always wanted to work on various projects and choose your own technologies? Do you have experience in leading a team and helping your colleagues become great developers? If so, Coadria is the place for you! See the details on the link below, apply and become our new colleague!

Coadria is hiring! We're looking for: - Junior BI Developers (basic SQL knowledge required) - Mid-Senior PHP Developer (able to own a project) - UI/UX Developer (strong JavaScript skills preferred) - Junior C#/.NET developer (provided mentorship) - Android developer (intermediate level required) Take a look at the details below and join our team in Rijeka!

In collaboration with Data Science Croatia, Coadria organized the first (in a series) of meetups about the interesting field of Data Science. We presented some basic concepts about data science: What is it? How do you become a Data Scientist? What skills do you need to develop? We concluded the lecture with a practical example of a simple algorithm. Stay tuned for the next meetup where we will go into more details and more practical examples!

Coadria održava prvi Data Science meetup u Rijeci! Pridružite nam se ovog četvrtka, 19.10., u Klubu Bačva (Dolac 8) s početkom u 18h. Program i prijave dostupni su na sljedećem linku: Sve sudionike Coadria će počastiti jednim pićem za bolje raspoloženje i manje treme tijekom rasprave :) Vidimo se u Bačvi! - Vaša Coadria

Back-end and Android developers wanted! If you have a great knowledge of databases and want to work with Node.js on exciting projects, apply for our Back-end position! If you are an Android developer, we offer you the opportunity to build interesting apps from scratch! Apply below and join our Coadria team:

First ever Amazon Web Services conference held in Croatia. (27.10.2017. Opatija / 28.10.2017. Rijeka) During two days of lectures, panel discussion and roundtables, participants will be introduced to the benefits of using sophisticated AWS services and to share experiences in using them. Reserve your seat for free at

Interested in AI and Machine Learning? Check out our open positions! We're looking for Backend developers, Frontend developers and Data Scientists. Juniors are welcome as well! Apply now on the link below:

Coadria is at FSEC in Varaždin today! We're starting with career speed dating soon, so if you're near Varaždin, drop by the National Theater and discuss our open positions with us!
