Studio Apartman Rijeka (★★★) Predivan mali stan u potkrovlju u centru Rijeke. Smješten je na 5. katu u zgradi s liftom.
U stanu je vrlo tiho i mirno i nećete imati osjećaj da ste u centru grada. Apartman je 50 metara udaljen od obale gdje su usidreni brodovi, 100 metara od putničkog terminala, 200 metara od autobusnog kolodvora, 500 metara od željezničkog kolodvora, dvije minute od zelene tržnice.
Kad se nalazite ispred zgrade, dovoljno je preći cestu i naći ćete se na Korzu- glavnoj pješačkoj zoni gdje možete uživati u kavi ili ručku u jednom od brojnih kafića i restorana.
Oprema: free WiFi, grijanje, TV
Beautiful small roof apartment (30 m²) in the center of Rijeka. It is located on the fifth floor in the building with the elevator.
It's very quiet and peacfull and you won't have feeling that you are in the center of town.
Apartment is 50 meter away from seafront, where all anchored ship stay, 100 m from ferry and passenger ship terminal, 200 m away from bus station, 500 m from railway station, two minutes away from green market.
When you are in the front of the building you just have to cross the street and you are in Korzo - the main pedestrian zone, where you can enjoy in coffee or lunch in one of many caffee bars and restaurants.
Equipment: free WiFi, heating, TV
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