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Roby Tours

Riva 10, Pula, Croatia
Tour Agency



Trips & excursions in Istra,Croatia Do you want to experience something new that you will remember for a long time?
If you choose some of ours tours you won't make a mistake. We offer excursions to various locations. You can choose whether you want to visit Brijuni, Rovinj, Vrsar, Lim fjord, Porer, Rt Kamenjak…
Contact us with confidence by email, inbox, whatsup, viber, or give us a call :)


Želite doživjeti jedno novo iskustvo koje će Vam ostati u lijepom pamćenju dugo vremena?
S našim izletima nećete pogriješiti. Nudimo izlete na različite lokacije. Na Vama je da odaberete da li želite posjetiti Brijune, Rovinj, Vrsar, Limski kanal, Porer, Rt Kamenjak...
Obratite nam se s povjerenjem putem maila, inboxa, whatup-a, viber-a, ili jednostavnim pozivom :)


State cercando una nuova esperienza che vi rimarrà impressa per molto tempo?
Con le nostre gite non potete sbagliare. Vi offriamo escursioni in varie località . Siete voi a decidere se visitare le isole di Brioni, Rovigno, Orsera, il Canal di Leme, Porer o Rt Kamenjak..
Contattateci con fiducia tramite la posta elettronica, inbox, whatsup, viber o chiamateci :)


Blue sky above us.. there's no limit 🌝

Here we are.. in the middle of Lim Fjord, eating grilled fish and enjoying the view :)

This is how it was today on the Melisa boat. Everybody enjoyed this hot summer day :) you can join us too!

Timeline Photos

See you on the boat 😊

Timeline Photos

Photos from Roby Tours's post

Join us this summer and visit some of those beautiful places...

Photos from Roby Tours's post

Roby Tours

Roby Tours

Roby Tours's cover photo

Roby Tours's cover photo


U OKOLINI Roby Tours