Top Local Places

Beach Bar & Grill Captains - Pula

Vinkuranska uvala / Mala kava, Pula, Croatia
Barbecue Restaurant



Looking for a quiet and relaxing place near the sea in Pula area? Come visit Beach Bar & Grill Captains. It's located in "Vinkuranska uvala" - fresh food! Fresh food - no freezing, no commercial food, as all meat, fish and vegetables are brought directly from the farms and fishing ports.

Lamb, chicken, veal, pork, fish and all that in a clean nature, untouched by any outside influence of people.

In front of Captains there is a wonderful beach for all of you that need a refreshing before or after the meal.

Svježa hrana - nema zamrzavanja, nema komercijalne hrane iz trgovačkih centara, jer svo meso, riba i povrće se donosi ujutro sa farme.

Janjetina, piletina, teletina, svinjetina, riba i sve to u čistoj netaknutoj prirodi.

Do nas se može doći pješice, autom ili možete pristati brodom u uvalu jer je plaža bez kamenja i stijena pa se možete nasukati.

Ispred Captainsa je divna plaža tako da osvježenje možete pronaći i u moru dok vam mi pripremamo hranu.
