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Tesla Robotics Team

M. Vrhovca 15, Karlovac, Croatia
Computer Company



RoboMeštri su tim od cetvero mladih robotičara.Cilj nam je razvijati robotske konstrukcije kao i usavršavati software istih.


Rescue pratice, multiple victims save

Rescue pratice, multiple victims save

RoboCupJunior Austrian Open 21./22.4.2017 in Weiz - Save the date

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Timeline Photos

Skolski sat: Moj Robot i ja

Članovi Tesla Robotics Teama (Lovro Jančić i Bruno Mastelić - Ivić) gostovali su u emisiji Školski sat, a tema emisije je bila robotika, snimku emisije možete pogledati na linku>>tema Hvala HRT-u

Animation based on 3d model of one of our robots. Robot and model made by:Bruno Mastelić-Ivić, Dominik Mačečević, Matko Grdić, Lovro Jancic Animation made by:Tomislav Cindrić Big thanks to Cindrić

Animation based on 3d model of one of our robots.
Robot and model made by:Bruno Mastelić-Ivić, Dominik Mačečević, Matko Grdić, Lovro Jancic
Animation made by:Tomislav Cindrić
Big thanks to Cindrić

Timeline Photos

Helping our friends from Crobotix to set up their new 3D printer 😃 Stay tuned, our new promo video is coming next week!

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Photos from Tesla Robotics Team's post

Hello everybody! We are resting and preparing for next season. On RoboCup Slovakia 2016 we won 6th place, not satisfactorily but good because we have many problems with our cheap hardware. We are looking forward so for next season we're preparing to compete in two categories; Rescue Line Secondary and Robo Soccer! Stay tuned, soon you'll see our promo video. Here is a link where you can see our life in Slovakia :) Pozdrav svima! Trenutno se odmaramo i pripremamo za sljedeću sezonu. Na RoboCupu u Slovačkoj završili smo na, za nas, ne zadovoljavajućem 6. mjestu. Uzevši u obzir probleme s jeftinom elektronikom to je dobar rezultat. Okrećemo se budućnosti i u idućoj sezoni planiramo se natjecati u dvije kategorije; Rescue Line Secondary i Robo Soccer! Pratite nas i dalje jer uskoro stiže naš promo video :) Ovdje možete vidjeti kako je protekao naš život u Slovačkoj :)

Photos from Tesla Robotics Team's post

Timeline Photos

Playing with program... Igranje s programom...

Timeline Photos

Photos from Tesla Robotics Team's post

We are ending preparations for our next competition, RoboCup junior in Slovakia, Liptovski Mikulaš. We'll be there from 13th to 15th April and will try to achieve the best possible result. U tijeku su završne pripreme za naše sljedeće natjecanje, RoboCup junior u Slovačkoj, u Liptovskom Mikulašu od 13.-15. travnja. Cilj nam je postići što bolji rezultat i potvrditi uloženi trud.

Photos from Tesla Robotics Team's post

Photos from Tesla Robotics Team's post

Izrada robota bliži se kraju. Pogledajte prve slike nove konstrukcije :D We are finishing the robot. Look at the first pictures of our new construction :D

Photos from Tesla Robotics Team's post

Tesla Robotics Team's cover photo

Tesla Robotics Team's cover photo

Tesla Robotics Team

Tesla Robotics Team


U OKOLINI Tesla Robotics Team