the very personal restaurant in Milna Restoran „Moli Onte“ smješten je na otoku Hvaru, uz samu obalu u starom ribarskom naselju Milna, te se svojom dugom tradicijom (preko 30 godina) svim Milnjanima ali i njihovim gostima nametnuo kao izvrsno mjesto za razna obiteljska i prijateljska okupljanja te za bijeg od današnjeg užurbanog načina života.
U klimatiziranoj sali restorana „Moli Onte“ ugodno se može smjestiti do 120 osoba. Uz salu restoran „Moli Onte“ posjeduje i dvije terase koje su smještene tik do mora, a koje našim gostima nude priliku da uživaju u spektakularnom zalasku sunca slušajući šumove oseke i plime dok ih miluje blagi povjetarac, čineći tako objedovanje u restoranu „Moli Onte“ nezaboravnim iskustvom.
Jedan od glavnih „krivaca“ za ugodnu atmosferu je „dobri duh“ restorana, gospođa Dobrila. Gospođa Dobrila, koja je ujedno i vlasnica restorana, tečno govori 4 strana jezika, će se sa svakim našim gostom zadržati u kratkoj i ugodnoj „ćakuli“, te će poslušati sve njegove primjedbe, prijedloge i sl. ili mu pak preporučiti idealno jelo ili piće. Ovakav osobni pristup je pozitivno iznenadio mnoge naše goste koji nisu navikli da dobivaju toliku pažnju, te se pri svakoj ukazanoj prilici vraćaju u naš mali raj.
If You have decided to explore the island Hvar, one of top 10 most beautiful islnds in the world, don't miss to visit a place with delightful and relaxing atmosphere where You will get top-quality service and extremly tasty meal from the Dalmatian cuisine – restaurant „Moli Onte“.
Restaurant „Moli Onte“ is placed on the island Hvar, by the coast in the old fishing settlement called Milna, and which, with its long tradition (over thirty years), has obtruded itself to all Milna settlers and their guests as an excellent place for various family and friend gatherings and for escaping from today's fast way of life.
The restaurants's air-conditioned hall can take up to 120 guests. Along with the hall, the restaurant also has two terraces which are placed just next to the sea, and which offer our guests a chance to enjoy in spectacular sunset while listening to the noise of high tide and beeing caressed by the mild summer breeze, thus making eating at restaurant „Moli Onte“ an unforgettable experience.
One of the main „culprits“ for the pleasant atmosphere is the restaurant's „good spirit“, mrs. Dobrila. Mrs. Dobrila, which is also the restaurant's owner, fluently speaks 4 world languages, will approach to every guest in the restaurant and listen to all his remarks, suggestions etc. or will reccomend a perfect meal or drink for the guest. This kind of personal approach has positively suprised many of our guests who were not used on getting such big attention, and which come back to our little paradise with every chance they get.
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Moli Onte team. Be happy! 😂😉🍽🍕🍻