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Bella Napoli, Shanghai

Changle lu Lane 946, nr 4(near Wulumuqi lu), Shanghai, China
Pizza Place



At Bella Napoli,you’ re eating with family!
Also visit Nanhui lu nr 73, near Beijing xi lu! Bij Bella Napoli eet u met familie

In dit kleine stukje van Italië, zijn we toegewijd aan het dienen van eenvoudige, authentieke gerechten van de hoogste kwaliteit. Probeer onze zuidelijke Italiaanse specialiteiten, 80% van onze ingrediënten zijn geïmporteerd uit Italië en alles is gemaakt met behulp van gefilterd water.

Bella Napoli is het soort wijk trattoria waar Guido en zijn vrouw elke dag zijn om u in persoon  te groeten en te vragen naar uw gezin. Dat is belangrijk voor ons, want als je bij Bella Napoli eet, dan eet je met familie.
Als u op zoek bent naar een speciaal etentje of wilt u met uw kinderen met veel plezier een aantal bambini-pizza's maken, neem dan contact met ons op

Bella Napoli heeft 2 locaties:
• Changle Lu Branch
• Nanhui Lu Branch


At Bella Napoli, you’ re eating with family

In this little slice of Italy, we’re devoted to serving simple, authentic dishes of the highest quality. 80% of our ingredients are imported from Italy and everything is made using filtered water. Try our southern Italian specialties.

Bella Napoli is the kind of neighborhood trattoria where Guido and his wife are there every day, greeting you in person and asking after your family. That’s important to us because when you’re at Bella Napoli, you’re eating with family.

If you’re looking to have a special dinner party or want to bring your children for some bambini pizza-making fun, contact us at

Bella Napoli has 2 locations:
• Changle Lu Branch
• Nanhui Lu Branch


Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Will you be my Valentine? Valentine is coming and Cupid is ready to shoot his arrows. We all think about flowers, hearts and love stories. We immediately think about the world famous Italian couple Romeo and Juliet, created by William Shakespeare. They are so in love with each other that they do everything to get married, despite their families are not agree about their union. As Romeo and Juliet, at Bella Napoli we believe in the power of love. We do our best to make you live your own love story and we put all our passion to create a very tasty menu for you and your special person. Romantic atmosphere and amazing dishes: this is our setting for your love story. This special menu is valid the 14th of February during dinner.

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

LA PARMIGIANA DI MELANZANE We introduce to you la Parmigiana di Melanzane. If you come to Bella Napoli, this dish is a must and you will find it truly delicious. A classic Italian dish made of breaded eggplant layered with Mozzarella, Parmesan, basil and tomato sauce. Some say this dish comes from Campania or Sicily, others say it comes from the North, from the city of Parma, as Parmesan comes from Parma. As with all traditional recipes, there are numerous claims to the definitive method of preparation. Because Campania, Napoli is so renowned for its fresh eggplant that is available throughout the year, I’m going to agree with the Neapolitan saying: “A parmigiana e’ mulignane ca se fa a’ Napule è semp’a meglio!” (The eggplant Parmesan that is made in Naples is always the best!). If you love history, this is how the story goes: The eighteenth-century Neapolitan chef Vincenzo Corrado mentions in his book Il cuoco galante published in 1786, that eggplant can be cooked alla Parmigiana, meaning the eggplant was seasoned with butter, herbs, cinnamon and other spices and grated Parmigiano cheese and covered with a cream sauce made with egg yolks before being oven-baked. I believe the version we know today, with its Parmesan cheese and tomato sauce first appears in print in Ippolito Cavalcanti’s Cucina teorico-pratica published in Naples in 1837. Given that Corrado’s recipe was published in 1786, this isn’t a huge amount of time, so it looks like it sprung into existence in Naples in the intervening time, which is incidentally the time that tomatoes were becoming more popular for the first time in Italy.

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

OUR ZHANG AYI: 9 YEARS WORKING AT BELLA NAPOLI Zhang ayi has been working in Bella Napoli for 9 years. She started in our Xikanglu branch and later on moved with us to Nanhuilu. In the Xikanglu restaurant the sink to wash the dishes was covered by a big tree which was part of the roof of the house. Zhang ayi worked 5 years under the ancient tree and then finally moved to Nanhuilu to a big kitchen. She has been a great value for us: every day she has been coming to work, making sure the restaurant and the kitchen are "piccobello". We owe this post to her, because she has put her heart in her work. Every day she stands there with a big smile ready to start her day. A big thanks to Zhang Ayi and may she stay with us for many many years to come.

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Timeline Photos


Timeline Photos

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

THE FOOD MONKEY This coming year of the monkey looks good: after a transitional sheep year, we can now get ready for the changes that are about to take place. The lunar Year of the Yang Red Fire Monkey runs from Monday Feb 08th 2016 to Friday Jan 27th 2017. This is a year of adventure, discovery, questions and answers, when luck can strike at bizarre times and fortunes can turn in the blink of an eye. Risk, strategy, learning and progress feature prominently in a Monkey Year. Under the influence of elemental fire and the monkey's fixed element of metal, it's an era of building, creating and forging ahead. We're hurdling obstacles with remarkable ease and reaching for the stars. It's a year of blazing opportunities and wild passions, a roller-coaster ride of the senses, and sometimes all you can do is hang on and surrender to the journey As with many celebrations, Bella Napoli joins in and celebrates Chinese New Year with lots of good food: let us call this year the food monkey year. After living a long time in China, we are part of the Chinese culture and here East meets West, we can say. This year we created a delicious Italian menu. As during every CNY we prepare the gatherings of lots of Chinese families to indulge in Italian food. Our menu: Air dried beef roll filled with mascarpone cheese and spring onion; Soup of lentils, chickpeas and beans; Homemade pappardelle pasta with eggplants and dried tomato pesto; Golden sea bass fillet with pan-fried artichokes; Beef stew with potatoes and rosemary; Mascarpone cream with black cherries.

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Viva viva la Befana! It is Epiphany Eve, that specific day that any children in Italy is waiting for. In popular folklore Befana visits all the children of Italy on the eve of the Feast of the Epiphany to fill their stockings with candy and presents if they are good, or a lump of coal or dark candy if they are bad. Befana is usually portrayed as an old lady riding a broomstick through the air wearing a black shawl and is very dirty because she enters the children's houses through the chimney. She is often smiling and carries a bag or hamper filled with candy, gifts, or both. Children in Italy love this tradition: for the entire day it is allowed to eat candies! Kids, prepare your stockings and let's see if you have been good or bad during the past year!

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post

Dear Bella Napoli family, This year has been a very energetic and dynamic year for all of us! In 2015 we have organized on a lot of meaningful events such as charity events for migrant kids and also caterings for international and local companies. You might have noticed that since June 2015 the second floor of our Changle lu branch has been renovated to a new dining area for our beloved guests. No long queues in the weekend anymore and above all we created a venue for your private parties. such as meetings, lunches and dinners up to 80 persons. The homey setting stayed the same, so you’re still eating with family. Our milestone of the year was installing professional XJM filter systems in the ceilings of our restaurants. We are the first restaurant in Shanghai where you can breath clean air. As we provide high quality food, it is also very important for us that our clients are dining in a safe, clean environment. A big thanks to Pureliving for their support. We have also been increasing our marketing promotions to the local media and our own social media. With great success and positive feedback from our clients, we have organized lots of seasonal and themed menus during 2015. Also in 2016 we will continue to amaze our clients with new monthly menus filled with delights of Italian homemade cuisine. Another grand achievement is that the local clientele has increased a lot. It makes us very happy to see the Chinese costumers eat our traditional Italian dishes and drink the Italian wines and Italian beer too! We believe that the most important is to keep our Italian and original taste. Therefor all our costumers will never forget a homemade authentic meal at Bella Napoli. There is only one way to do this: I go to my hometown from time to time...hehehehe, to refresh my taste and keep my menus up to our high standards. Clients love Bella Napoli restaurants because is reflects my personality, which is familiar and friendly. It is a restaurant where everyone is welcome. In March 2016 we will celebrate our huge achievement: the 10th anniversary of Bella Napoli. We will organize a splashing, dynamic celebration and above an opportunity to thank all our costumers, friends and above all my staff. More info on that great topic coming up! My family and my staff of Bella Napoli wish you a wonderful and healthy New Year 2016. Guido Esposito

Photos from Bella Napoli, Shanghai's post



С Петром Александровичем год за шесть (шутка для тех, кто в теме) / ain't no saint husband @frolikov #anniversary #zaishanghai #shanghailife #shanghai



Ain't saint wife



#italianfood #instaweekend








My favorite Italian #trattoria in Shanghai perfect for #IIN #healthcoach meet ups. We love food and we know what's good. Their eggplant Parmesan is the best! #Italian #shanghai #BellaNapoli











#restaurant #pizza #italianfood #italy



#italy #italianfood #pizza #restaurant









NEAR Bella Napoli, Shanghai


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