With over 40 years and 3 generations of history, Fortune Cookie proudly serves authentic American Chinese food in the heart of Shanghai, China. Crab Rangoon, Chop Suey, and Chicken Chow Mein. When all you want is "Chinese Food" in China, we are here. With over 40 years of family restaurant history, fortune cookie is shanghai's only true American Chinese restaurant dedicated to serving authentic American Chinese cuisine.
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Dear friends, fans, and followers... We are back on home turf and are about to take flight soon. Thank you for being a part of this great journey with us. More to come soon! #fortunecookieshanghai #fortunecookie #america #americanchinese #parttwo #backtoamerica #newbeginnings
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Just got these back from a photo shoot for Modern Lady Magazine here in China. What a cool series! photographer: Xuxiaowei editor/stylist @miakong888 Model: WangY. #modernlady #fortunecookieshanghai #chinesefood #americanchinese #model #chinese #woman #noodles #lomein #chowmein #fortunecookie
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Just got these back from a photo shoot for Modern Lady Magazine here in China. What a cool series! photographer: Xuxiaowei editor/stylist @miakong888 Model: WangY. #modernlady #fortunecookieshanghai #chinesefood #americanchinese #model #chinese #woman #noodles #lomein #chowmein #fortunecookie
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Just got these back from a photo shoot for Modern Lady Magazine here in China. What a cool series! photographer: Xuxiaowei editor/stylist @miakong888 Model: WangY. #modernlady #fortunecookieshanghai #chinesefood #americanchinese #model #chinese #woman #noodles #lomein #chowmein #fortunecookie
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Just got these back from a photo shoot for Modern Lady Magazine here in China. What a cool series! photographer: Xuxiaowei editor/stylist @miakong888 Model: WangY. #modernlady #fortunecookieshanghai #chinesefood #americanchinese #model #chinese #woman #noodles #lomein #chowmein #fortunecookie
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Just got these back from a photo shoot for Modern Lady Magazine here in China. What a cool series! photographer: Xuxiaowei editor/stylist @miakong888 Model: WangY. #modernlady #fortunecookieshanghai #chinesefood #americanchinese #model #chinese #woman #noodles #lomein #chowmein #fortunecookie #luckycat #ducksauce
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Just got these back from a photo shoot for Modern Lady Magazine here in China. What a cool series! photographer: Xuxiaowei editor/stylist @miakong888 Model: WangY. #modernlady #fortunecookieshanghai #chinesefood #americanchinese #model #chinese #woman #noodles #lomein #chowmein #fortunecookie
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Final Chinese New Year Party / Farewell Staff dinner. Such an honor to work with such a positive group of people that put so much pride into their work. We overcame language and culture barriers to make FC a beacon of hospitality not only in Shanghai or China but in the world. You guys made fortune cookie such an amazing place. Thank you all. Each one of you have been empowered with the skill set to take it to yet another level. Kick som tail!!! #fortunecookieshanghai #farewell #goodbye #goodluck #thankyou #shanhaieats #newbeginnings #theend #cny #fortunecookie #headinghome #success #happiness
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Goodbye Shanghai. We have just publicly announced the closure of our beloved restaurant. Thank you all for the outpouring of support. David and Fung, the founders of this crazy restaurant are moving on to a new and exciting project back in the USA. That's it for now. #goodbye #farewell #fortunecookieshanghai #fortunecookie #shanghai #shanhaieats #thatsshanghai #closed #newbeginnings
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We've probably served more Mapo Tofu Cheese fries than any other establishment in recorded history. Kinda cool. #history #mapotofu #tofu #dofu #mapo #cheesefries #americanchinese #fortunecookieshanghai #fortunecookie #shanghai #shanhaieats #china
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Kung Po Beef kind of day #fortunecookieshanghai #fortunecookie #kungpo #kungpow #beef #shanhaieats #shanghai #zaishanghai
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Thanks @xxxdorian for such a cool shot of our XOXO Fried Rice topped with poached egg goodness. 😋😍🍚😊🤗😃#fortunecookieshanghai #xoxo #friedrice #xosauce #scallops #shrimp #shanhaieats #shanghai #americanchinese #american