Based in Shanghai, China, APEA provides assistance to American citizens who wish to consider relocating abroad due to political conditions in the USA.
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facebook.comCover article New York Post!
Legal residence in Iceland, others than EEA/EFTA citizens | Fjölmenningarsetur
Iceland. Cold but cool!
The offers of asylum keep pouring in!
Why American Students Are Flocking to Germany — and Staying
Germany likes American students!
Porn stars will also go into exile if Trump wins, another win!
A Ted Cruz Presidency should actually be the real trigger to convince many Americans to emigrate. Read what is own father believes:
We at APEA are simply reporting this related phenomenon.
We will repost every article that mentions someone leaving the U.S. should a certain candidate be elected President. But you know Fox News O'Reilly won't actually go through with it.
USA Football fans abroad!
Soccer. That football. Especially World Cup, cus this is how you can communicate, as an American with your foreign football friends. They will be shocked that you even know your country HAS a national soccer team.
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Vermin Supreme is the bottom feeders choice this election! He's promised every American a pony!
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Please answer this one poll question! American Political Exile Assistance - Facebook Page Our first poll and maybe the most important! Please answer the follow question with your personal commentary and it will be read by your fellow exiles: The election of which candidate as President will convince you to leave the USA? _Donald Trump _Hillary Clinton _Ted Cruz _Bernie Sanders _Marco Rubio _Jeb! _Ben Carson _Joe Biden _Carly Fiorina _Vermin Supreme _Rand Paul _J.R. "Bob" Dobbs _(Fill in the blank) Please forward and have answers sent back to us! APEA is non-partisan, we will assist exiles REGARDLESS of their politcal/non-political views!