Qkuts I Premium Kids' Lifestyle
Qkuts is China’s leading kid-only premium lifestyle brand, it owns multiple kid-friendly products. Qkuts is China’s Leading Kids-Only Hair Salon, Nail Spa, Toy Store, and Spa Party Venue that Both Kids & Moms Love!
Qkuts is committed to the highest safety and cleaning standards, works with the best hairdressers and Western guest hairdressers in a 100% kid friendly environment.
Qkuts makes the dreaded haircut fun – the stores are equipped with fun-shaped barber seats, nearby parent seating, electronic entertainment, lots of toys and play areas.
The Qkuts specially trained hairdressers ensure the kids always come out looking great…with a smile!
From regular haircuts, treatments, manicures (using safe, water-soluble nail polish), Qkuts also organizes Princess nail spa parties, hair & nail makeovers.
Qkuts Princess Spa Parties, Hair &Nail Makeovers: we offer a fun filled Spa Party experience for aspiring princesses in our hair salons or offsite in the comfort of your home or at any party venue. We work together with playrooms, international schools and party providers too. The Qkuts spa party includes hair braiding and nail painting with our German Standard approved Qkuts water-based, child-safe nail polish. We also do hair painting with chalk-based, washable colors, kids tattoos, cupcake decorating, arts& crafts, and party games. Qkuts Princess Parties are a truly memorable experience for 3-10 years olds.
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facebook.com🎊新年倒计时,Qkuts带来:专属女孩儿们的闪亮指尖💅🏻 闪闪的红绿加上亮银色⛄️正确打开欢乐圣诞新年; ✨全球都在流行的BlingBling特效,指尖足够闪耀才能点亮缤纷节日哦; 还有亮白色的小雪花❄️带你探索华丽神秘的蓝绿色海洋! ❄️🎄New Arrival ! Color by Qkuts nail polish🎄❄️ #Qkuts#ColorByQkuts #colorfullife #qolorfullife#lifestyle #kidsfashion #kidsnails#cute #forkids #kidfriendly #nailstagram #kidstyle #girlspa #girlsparty#girlfashion #nail #nails #polish#nailpolish #art #nailart #nailsart#nailstyle #naildesign#nailsdesign #color #colors #nailcolor#nailscolor #winter #winternail #winternails#winternailart #winternaildesign#winternailpolish #christmas #christmasnail#christmasnails #christmasnailart#christmasnaildesign #christmasnailpolish
🌟合肥和上海长宁区的Q宝们有福啦! 合肥之心城的彩色童话世界有热闹欢乐的马戏团陪宝贝们一起变潮🎪 上海中山龙之梦的趣味游戏手柄等你来一局Q式星球大战🎮Q宝贝们快进入太空🚀一起探索Q星球的时尚秘密吧! ps.限时优惠活动火爆持续中,不要错过哟😘 Celebrate Qkuts New Stores Opening🎉 #Qkuts #kidshair #kidshairstyles #kidshaircut #boyshaircut #girlshairstyles #kidsfashion #coolkids #shanghai #hefei #store #amazingstore #nicestores #newopening
Qkuts剪酷🌟明星宝贝的造型首选,千万家Q宝们对最爱! 年度最大优惠限时秒杀正在火热进行中!不容错过🎇 Cute kids in Qkuts! #Qkuts #double11 #kidshair #kidshairstyles #kidshaircut #boyshaircut #girlshairstyles #kidsmodel #kidsfashion #coolkids #shanghai #beijing #hangzhou #suzhou #wuxi #wuhan #nanjing #hefei #xiamen
恐龙,猫咪,小魔女尽在Qkuts👻 face painting💅🏻nail polish是孩子们的最爱! 🎃Fun & colorful party in Qkuts! Invite us to your parties 🎉 #Qkuts #ColorByQkuts #QolorfulLife #lifestyle #coolkids #happyhalloween #kidsmodel #nails #nailpolish #kidsnails #forkids #kidfriendly #kidsfashion #kidsstylezz #kidsparty #kidsparties #kidsphotography
💇🏼即刻欢享,小潮童的双11💇🏼♂️惊喜赠满一整月🎉为百变新造型疯狂打Call! 🎃赶快带着宝贝来Qkuts做个可爱的小捣蛋鬼吧~ Oh My Qkuts Big Sale! Come on! Take your kids to Qkuts. Let's have fun!👻 #Qkuts #double11 #bigsale #onceayear #kidshairstyle #kidshairstyles #boyshaircut #girlshairstyles #ColorByQkuts #QolorfulLife #lifestyle #nail #nails #nailpolish #nailstyle #kidsnails #forkids #kidfriendly #kidsfashion #girlfashion #girlsparty #girlspa
"Hangzhou.Me CIAO"空降@杭州嘉里中心 打破沉闷古板生活🤳🏻小模特们装扮起Qkuts的帅酷发型,自信地走在T台上,掀起一阵热潮! 我们带来两位大咖级造型师Darrin和Ann,为幸运萌娃们打造又俏又潮的多变发型😎还有色彩斑斓的彩酷安全儿童指甲油💅🏻点亮萌娃缤纷指尖,快闪Qkuts不容错过哦~ Qkuts fashion popup store in Hangzhou! #Qkuts #ColorByQkuts #QolorfulLife #colorfullife #lifestyle #nail #nails #nailpolish #nailstyle #kidsnails #forkids #kidfriendly #kidsfashion #girlfashion #girlsparty #girlspa #hairstyle #hairstyles #kidshairstyle #kidshairstyles
孩子人小鬼大有主见?喜欢自己选择理发店,自己挑选衣服鞋帽🤔 Qkuts剪酷携手优衣库“宝贝当家”,让孩子自己挑选衣服,激发创意,自信表达自我🙋🏼 Qkuts为女孩儿打造漂亮可爱的发型,为男孩儿刻出帅酷的多变图案,宝贝们摇身一变🎉变成吸睛时尚小模特! The fashion life that children choose! #Qkuts #Uniqlo #Uniqlokids #Uniqlolifewear #mickymouse #disney #lifestyle #forkids #kidfriendly #kidsfashion #girlfashion #kids
🤩Qkuts为校园里的孩子们装扮缤纷色彩! What a colorful day Qkuts bring to kids of HQIS and YCIS! #Qkuts #ColorByQkuts #QolorfulLife #colorfullife #lifestyle #nail #nails #nailpolish #nailstyle #kidsnails #forkids #kidfriendly #kidsfashion #girlfashion #girlsparty #girlspa #backtoshcool #HQIS #YCIS
全世界的女孩儿都爱美,她们最爱Qkuts的甲油和编发! All of girls love beauty, Qkuts' nailpolish and hair braid are their favorite! #Qkuts #ColorByQkuts #QolorfulLife #lifestyle #nail #nails #nailpolish #nailstyle #kidsnails #forkids #kidfriendly #kidsfashion #girlfashion
妈妈不给吃马卡龙我就涂在指甲上! I painted the Macarons on my nails!#Qkuts #colorfullife #lifestyle #nailpolish #macarons #kidsfashion #girlfashion #kidsnails #cute #forkids #kidfriendly
不会融化的甜美冰淇淋! The nail polish color of ice cream is soooooo sweet!#Qkuts #nailstyle #nailpolish #sweet #icecream #forkids #kidfriendly
和妈妈一起变美! Spend more happy time with your mommy!#Qkuts #pinknailpolish #withmommy #happy #cute #forkids #beauty #kidfriendly
First professional hair cut #hair #toddlerlife #toddlerhaircut #love #iloveyou #ilovemyfamily #family #boy #toddler #1year1month8days #lovely #cutie #happiness #goodlooking #handsome #littleexplorer #littleman #mylove #mylife #mysunshine #mylove
