O'Steak Bistrot
Our restaurant is a great steakhouse with amazing meat, great sauces and a beautiful terrace. Come try our steaks!
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Goût de/Good France 2016: O'Steak Special Menu is waiting for you! O'Steak “好味法兰西”套餐新鲜出炉! Comme des milliers de restaurants francais à travers le monde, O'Steak a préparé pour vous un menu spécial "Goût de France", qui s'inspire de nos plus fameuses traditions culinaires. Pendant un mois, vous pourrez savourer nos plats, comme si vous étiez à Paris, Lyon ou Marseille ! “好味法兰西”活动如期展开,在北京,O'Steak和全世界一千多家法餐厅一样,为您精心定制了最正宗的法餐套餐,每一道工序来自最地道的法式烹饪传统。活动时间为一个月,来O'Steak吧,感受在巴黎,里昂或者马赛的就餐体验! Like thousands of french restaurants around the world, O'Steak has prepared for you a special menu "Goût de/Good France", which is inspired by our most famous culinary traditions. For a month, you can enjoy our dishes, as if you were in Paris, Lyon or Marseille ! Untill April 30th 2016 时间:至2016年4月30日 价格: 588RMB/pax 餐厅:O'Steak Xingfu 幸福店/Central Park 新城国际店/Shunyi 顺义店 Reservations: O'Steak Xingfu: 北京市朝阳区幸福村中路55-7杰座大厦底商,绿叶子超市斜对面 Address: No.55-7 Xingfucun Zhonglu, opposite of April Gourmet, Chaoyangdistrict, Beijing Contact: 010-8448-8250 O'Steak Central Park: 北京市朝阳区朝外大街6号,新城国际20号楼103 Address: No.103 building 20, Central Park, No.6 Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyangdistrict, Beijing Contact: 010-6533-6599 O'Steak Shunyi: 北京市顺义区后沙峪安泰大街9号,祥云小镇南门,11号楼102 Address: No.11-102 Shine Hills, No.9 Antai Avenue, Shunyi district,Beijing Contact: 010-8048-5080
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Merci à toutes et à tous pour avoir voté pour nous! 感谢投票支持! Thank you so much for voting for us!
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Beijinger's awards: O’Steak est nominé ! Comme chaque année, The Beijinger organise ses fameux Awards de la restauration à Beijing. O’Steak est nominé dans six catégories : Restaurant de l’année non-chinois, casual(Question 69), meilleur rapport qualité-prix (Q64), meilleur service non-chinois,casual (Q31), meilleur français casual (Q21), meilleur steak casual (Q43), et meilleure personnalité : Christophe Rovan (Q30). Si vous souhaitez voter, cliquez sur le lien suivant : http://www.lediaocha.com/m/s/ke5uid A bientôt chez O’Steak ________________________________________ Beijinger 颁奖典礼: O’Steak 又被提名了! 每一年,家喻户晓的Beijinger 餐厅评选都会在北京举办。 O’Steak 在6个奖项被提名: 年度餐厅奖非中式,休闲(问题69),最有价值奖(问题64),最佳服务奖非中式,休闲(问题31),最佳法餐奖休闲(问题21),最佳牛排奖休闲(问题43),以及最有个性奖:Christophe Rovan(问题30).。 如果您愿意投票,请点击以下链接: http://www.lediaocha.com/m/s/ke5uid O’Steak 见 ________________________________________ Beijinger's awards: O'Steak is nominated! Every year, The Beijinger organizes its famous Restaurants Awards in Beijing. O'Steak is nominated in six categories: Restaurant of the Year non-Chinese, Casual (Question 69), Best Value (Q64), Best Service non-Chinese Casual (Q31), Best French Casual (Q21), Best Steak Casual (Q43), and Best Personality: Christophe Rovan (Q30). If you wish to vote, click on the following link: http://www.lediaocha.com/m/s/ke5uid See you soon in O’Steak
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Love at O’Steak. Demain 13 février et dimanche 14, O’Steak fête la Saint-Valentin ! Menus spéciaux, filtres d'amour et romantisme à foison ! ________________________________________ 爱在O'Steak! 明天2月13日和星期天2月14日,O'Steak 庆祝情人节!特制菜单,爱情的过滤器和满满的浪漫! ________________________________________ Love at O’Steak! Tomorrow February 13 and Sunday 14, O’Steak celebrates Valentine's Day! Special menus, filters of love and a lot of romance! ________________________________________ Reservations: O'Steak Xingfu: 北京市朝阳区幸福村中路55-7杰座大厦底商,绿叶子超市斜对面 Address: No.55-7 Xingfucun Zhonglu, opposite of April Gourmet, Chaoyang district, Beijing Contact: 010-8448-8250 O'Steak Central Park: 北京市朝阳区朝外大街6号,新城国际20号楼103 Address: No.103 building 20, Central Park, No.6 Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyang district, Beijing Contact: 010-6533-6599 O'Steak Shunyi: 北京市顺义区后沙峪安泰大街9号,祥云小镇南门,11号楼102 Address: No.11-102 Shine Hills, No.9 Antai Avenue, Shunyi district, Beijing Contact: 010-8048-5080
Photos from O'Steak Bistrot's post
Pas besoin d’être en France pour vivre une Romance A Beijing, les amoureux se retrouvent dans les restaurants O’Steak pour fêter la Saint-Valentin avec humour et passion. Dans une ambiance très française, romantique et élégante, ils pourront commander l’un de nos menus spéciaux (388et 588 RMB). Fleurs, chansons tendres et filtres d’amour au programme! ________________________________________ 邂逅浪漫何必去法国 在北京,想要度过 一个情意满满的情人节就去O'Steak!法式、 浪漫、雅致的氛围里,点上我们特别为恋人们定制的套餐, 缕缕爱意,唇齿间自有传递!(套餐价格:388元/588元) 鲜花,香颂,一箭穿心棒,都为您备上了! ________________________________________ No need to be in France to have Romance In Beijing, lovers meet each others in O'Steak restaurants to celebrate Valentine's Day with humor and passion. In a French romantic and elegant atmosphere, they will be able to order one of our special menus (388 and 588 RMB). Flowers, tender love songs and love shots! ________________________________________ Reservations: O'Steak Xingfu: 北京市朝阳区幸福村中路55-7杰座大厦底商,绿叶子超市斜对面 Address: No.55-7 Xingfucun Zhonglu, opposite of April Gourmet, Chaoyangdistrict, Beijing Contact: 010-8448-8250 O'Steak Central Park: 北京市朝阳区朝外大街6号,新城国际20号楼103 Address: No.103 building 20, Central Park, No.6 Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyangdistrict, Beijing Contact: 010-6533-6599 O'Steak Shunyi: 北京市顺义区后沙峪安泰大街9号,祥云小镇南门,11号楼102 Address: No.11-102 Shine Hills, No.9 Antai Avenue, Shunyi district,Beijing Contact: 010-8048-5080
O'Steak Bistrot's cover photo
Photos from O'Steak Bistrot's post
Pendant Chunjie, O’Steak est ouvert ! Car O’Steak ne ferme jamais. Nos trois restaurants français proposent des menus spéciaux et des loteries durant les deux semaines de la fête du Singe de feu. Bonne Année à tous ! _____________________________________________ 春节期间,O'Steak营业中! 因为O'Steak从不关门!猴年春节两周期间,三家分店均推出特别新春套餐和抽奖活动!祝大家新年快乐! _____________________________________________ During Chunjie, O'Steak is open! Cause O'Steak never closes. Our three French restaurants offer special menus and lucky draws during the two weeks of the Fire Monkey Day. Happy New Year everyone! _____________________________________________ Reservations: O'Steak Xingfu: 北京市朝阳区幸福村中路55-7杰座大厦底商,绿叶子超市斜对面 Address: No.55-7 Xingfucun Zhonglu, opposite of April Gourmet, Chaoyangdistrict, Beijing Contact: 010-8448-8250 O'Steak Central Park: 北京市朝阳区朝外大街6号,新城国际20号楼103 Address: No.103 building 20, Central Park, No.6 Chaowai Avenue, Chaoyangdistrict, Beijing Contact: 010-6533-6599 O'Steak Shunyi: 北京市顺义区后沙峪安泰大街9号,祥云小镇南门,11号楼102 Address: No.11-102 Shine Hills, No.9 Antai Avenue, Shunyi district,Beijing Contact: 010-8048-5080
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Un dîner de lapin 兔肉晚餐 Après le succès de Chef Sylvain dans l’émission “Parrot Kitchen”,O’Steak vous propose de goûter le plat qui a fait de lui une star : son célèbre lapin à la moutarde. Mardi 2 février 2016 au soir à O’Steak XingFu. Sur réservation seulement avant le lundi 1 février 17 heures. Prix unique 88 RMB. Réserver par téléphone : 010-8448-8250 _____________________________________________ Sylvain主厨在”鹦鹉厨房”演示节目成功之后,将会在2016年2月2号晚上诚邀你们品尝这道使他成名的”芥末兔肉”。 需要在2016年2月1号17:00之前预定。每人88元。 预定电话:010-8448-8250 _____________________________________________ After the success of Chef Sylvain in the show "Parrot Kitchen", O'Steak offers you to taste the dish that made him a star: its famous rabbit in mustard sauce. Tuesday, February 2nd evening at O'Steak Xingfu. Make reservations before Monday,February 1st at 5pm. 88 RMB only. Book by phone: 010-8448-8250 O'Steak XingFu 北京市朝阳区幸福村中路55-7杰座大厦底商, 绿叶子超市斜对面 No.55-7 Xingfucun Zhonglu, opposite of April Gourmet, Chaoyang District, Beijing
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Le lapin de Sylvain Chef Sylvain, le responsable des cuisines de O’Steak, vient de participer à la fameuse émission culinaire « Parrot Kitchen » sur Tencent. Dans cette vidéo gourmande, Sylvain cuisine un savoureux lapin à la moutarde, plat typique du centre de la France. Son grand-père, grand amateur de chasse, lui a transmis cette recette si particulière. Le cognac y brûle sans retenue et les champignons rissolent généreusement. Pas de doute : tout est fin dans le lapin ! Sylvain’s rabbit Chef Sylvain, head of O'Steak kitchens, just participated in the famous cooking show "Parrot Kitchen" on Tencent. In this video, Sylvain is cooking a tasty rabbit in mustard sauce, typical dish of central France. His grandfather, great hunting enthusiast, gave him this special recipe. Cognac is burning and mushrooms fried generously. No doubt: everything is fine in the rabbit! Sylvain和他的兔肉 Sylvain,O'Steak法餐厅的行政主厨,最近参加了著名的美食教学栏目《鹦鹉厨房》的录制,腾讯视频平台播出了详细的教学过程。视频中,大厨Sylvain为大家呈现了一道法国中部典型家常菜——芥末兔肉。他的祖父曾是一个狩猎爱好者,狩猎之余向Sylvain传授了这道芥末兔肉的做法。甘洌的白兰地沸腾溢出芳香,煎烤至金黄的白蘑鲜嫩诱人。毫无疑问,这道兔肉的每一样配料都是那么精致! Le lien/the link/链接: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI4NjAzMTI3Mw==&mid=403505021&idx=1&sn=99105003e07543e3e9721417fad9d52c&scene=2&srcid=0113LmQM7KEkJ7T7qlrbIpgt&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0#wechat_redirect


love u love the food😁

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Happy B-Day!

Happy B-day


Thanks for my best sister @jaaalijaaa I was so impressed 😍 . #osteak #sanlitun #beijing #daily #birthdaydinner #셀피#selfie #생일스타그램 #birthday #북경 #베이징

#steak in #beijing back to the HEART ♥️♥️♥️

Sunset....🙈definitely one of restaurants you won't want to miss.

🇫🇷🇷🇺❤️❤️ #bestfriends


Restaurant in Beijing, O'Steak #Beijing #food #china #newyear #french

