LifeStyle Magazine is chinese, written in english- chinese language, a luxury-lifestyle magazine featuring products —for affluent buyers. Beijing Lifestyle Advertising Co., Ltd. was founded in May 2004 by an international team experienced in the media, advertising and public relations industries. Their goal was to create the very best glossy bilingual publication available in China. Under the Beijing Lifestyle Advertising Co., Ltd., LifeStyle Magazine is a leading brand in the high-end periodical market and the top publication with both English and Chinese language distributed in the Mainland market, providing marketing and brand promotion for the fashion and clothing industry. Beyond the flagship magazine, LifeStyle also produces bespoke magazines and provides creative solutions for clients seeking to achieve their business objectives through the use of media.
北京生活品味广告有限公司成立于2004年,国际 化的核心团队来自多家知名媒体、广告及公关公司,有 着丰富的从业经验和行业资源。我们出版的《品味生 活》中英双语杂志自2004年5月创刊后,知名度迅速 提升,在高端生活杂志领域成为市场领先品牌。作为一 家以服装企业市场推广、品牌宣传为主要业务的广告公 司,7年来我们凭借出色的专业能力和多样化、多维度 的创意灵感,为众多一流客户提供了成效卓著的平面、 数字定制出版服务,帮助客户实现商业目标,并获得了 丰厚的投资回报。
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