CHAO is a design, management, hospitality and marketing company that creates and delivers relevant and contemporary lifestyle experiences.
The New World Shanghai Hotel is designed to provide the highest quality and service standards with a touch of modern oriental hospitality to seasoned business and leisure travelers.
♥木器彩繪教學 ♥井川惠美、熊谷尚美師資培訓 ♥彩繪商品販售、批發 ♥鄉村雜貨 ♥鄉村家具、禮品訂製 ♥手作課程教學 ♥
Grilled Seafood, Steaks, Tex Mex and South East Asian Cuisine. Live Jazz music, wine, champagne and cocktails.
bcTrading Ltd. is a young and dynamic trading company with Headquarter in Shanghai, China and a Representative Office in Hamburg, Germany.
Pretty is an attitude.漂亮是一种生活态度!
女孩子最重要的就是「眼神」 而眼神中最重要的角色 就是「眼睫毛」啦! 無辜下垂眼、前短後長性感電眼、溫柔洋娃娃、自然裸妝派等 讓睫毛替你說話 請讓 W 幫您打造美麗眼神!