女孩子最重要的就是「眼神」 而眼神中最重要的角色 就是「眼睫毛」啦! 無辜下垂眼、前短後長性感電眼、溫柔洋娃娃、自然裸妝派等 讓睫毛替你說話 請讓 W 幫您打造美麗眼神!
Grilled Seafood, Steaks, Tex Mex and South East Asian Cuisine. Live Jazz music, wine, champagne and cocktails.
PU synthetic leather、PVC artificial leather and microfiber PU leather,Product application including: golf glove、boxing glove、luggage、shoes&hats、garments.
CHAO is a design, management, hospitality and marketing company that creates and delivers relevant and contemporary lifestyle experiences.
Shanghaibnb is a full service apartment rental service located in Shanghai China. We feature over 100+ listings in Shanghai's most popular locations.
We are a website which sell women's clothes include outfits, intimates and dress etc. www.shymay.com
Wow! Mandarin is a total immersion Mandarin training school - built on the idea of a "One-Stop Solution” - where we focus on your individual requirements