Information about what's happening at Woodstock Baptist Church, NB.
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facebook.comRemember to turn the clocks ahead an hour this Saturday night!
Our Movie Date has CHANGED! From Thursday March 8th to Thursday March 15th Please join us March 15th at 1:30 pm
We just wanted to give you a heads up! We have had continued furnace issues this week...our trustees have been working diligently to come up with a suitable heating solution. We will have heat in all areas of our building however, it maybe a little cooler than normal so please dress accordingly. We appreciate your understanding.
All welcome to join us next Thursday March 8th at 1:30 pm :)
Thank you to our hosts for Monday nights meal for Harvest House!
Thanks to all who participated in the games! Great sports
Thank you to all for celebrating Valentine's Day with us! It was a fun evening of food, fellowship and fundraising for our new church building! We appreciate every delicious donation and every hand that helped to make the evening a "Hearty Party" !
Join us tomorrow for our Family Swim! :)
Awesome to hear Ken Wright share about his experiences on the Camino trail.
It's time to get out of the house! Join us Feb 14th for a great evening of fun and food! All are invited. Call the church office today to reserve your spot! 324-8020 or 425-4647