DNA Recording Facility
The recording studio with a heart! Check out our new web page for more info: http://www.dnarecordingfacility.com DNA Recording Facility is a new Toronto-area recording studio that came to be as the brainchild of Chris Tedesco. Chris had built and run several smaller studios as well as building a few larger ones for acousticians Pilchner Schoustal along with his brother Dave. He is also a singer/guitarist/songwriter for the band Fieldbabies.
Chris saw the need for a new kind of private high quality recording facility, and approached Pilchner Schoustal to draw up some plans. Revisions were made, ideas were tossed around, construction began...........Dave became a partner and co-visionary. The studio was meticulously and painstakingly constructed during off hours from work and band rehearsals, over a five year period...as money would allow. The guys made sure absolutely no corners were cut and every detail was scrutinized.
In spring 2005 the building was finally ready (if you hate geeky tech talk skip to the next paragraph!). A 72 channel SSL 4000 G/G+ console with moving faders was brought up from Staten Island, New York and installed. The rack was filled with the most desirable and fat sounding gear (both vintage and modern) from the likes of Neve, Pultec, DBX, API, Urei, Teletronix, RCA, Lexicon, and Empirical Labs to name a few. Everything was connected with the highest quality Mogami wiring which then feeds through Apogee converters into a full blown Digidesign Pro Tools HD3 system with dual quad processor Mac Pro and 30" LCD cinema display.
Steve Chahley was brought in as house engineer at DNA after having previously worked at Metalworks and Iguana Recording in Toronto.....and 8 years across the pond in England working for various studios.
In the short time DNA has been open we've had the pleasure of working with some of the best artists, producers, and companies around Toronto and beyond. We're artists, producers, and huge lovers of music just like yourselves.......and have worked hard to put together an environment that inspires us and allows us to reach our creative goals. We'd love to be a part of yours too. Check us out!
INDEPENDENT ARTISTS - we love and support the indie scene.....and try to help out whenever we can. Drop us a note - you might be surprised at how affordable we can be!
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