"Enjoy the Rides... at the Midway that Sparkles... Leaders of Family Fun Entertainment for over 50 years in Southern Manitoba and Northwest Ontario!" Founded by Henry Saluk in 1963, Wonder Shows began as a midsize carnival which soon grew to accommodate 3 acres of rides, games, and fun food. In the spring of 2000, husband and wife, Ken and Anita Kiernicki, who have over 20 years of carnival experience under their belt, became the new owners of Wonder Shows. They vowed to continue with the philosophy Wonder Shows was reputable for – “Family Fun Entertainment”. As you stroll through our midway, you will notice Anita in her office taking care of all Wonder Shows operations. From customer service, to bookings, and staff management, Anita is meticulous about assuring smooth “behind the scenes” operations. “BIG BOSS” of the midway, Kenny, will be walking with a big cable or toolbox in hand making sure your Wonder Shows experience is the best it can be for you and your family, Ken is also responsible for guaranteeing the 30 attraction fleet makes its way though the route safely and securely, then setting it up and having it properly checked over by his very friendly staff. Now in their 49th year, Wondershows has continuously maintained a clean, family owned and operated midway, traveling to major festivals throughout Manitoba .
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facebook.comThank you Pedro pro photographer
We're super excited to welcome our guests in Morden this weekend for the 51st Annual Morden Corn & Apple Festival! We open at 12pm tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday. We're giving away a free pass to the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre to the first 30 guests who purchase a wristband on Friday, August 25th. #wondershows #cornandapple
Hiring for Morden 2047919821
We are in Stonewall getting ready for Quarry Days setting up Thursday at 9 am
Join us this season and bring the sights and sounds of our midway to communities across MB
Hiring again message Anita Lankhout Kiernicki Driver labourer full time
The 128th Islendingadagurinn kicks off today! We open at 5pm. Ride enthusiasts who enjoy short lines should make their way over today! Ride all day for $30. See you soon Gimli! #wondershows 🎡🎪🎠
The 128th Islendingadagurinn kicks off today! We open at 5pm. Ride enthusiasts who enjoy short lines should make their way over today! Ride all day for $30. See you soon Gimli! #wondershows 🎡🎪🎠
Thanks to everyone who came out to Winnipeg Beach to beat the heat and enjoy some family fun carnival entertainment on the boardwalk! We're moving the midway to Gimli Park today to begin setting up for another great annual tradition, The Icelandic Festival of Manitoba "Islendingadagurinn"! - See you there #wondershows
See you at the Beach! We're in Winnipeg Beach for Boardwalk Days. Come soak up the sun this weekend and be sure to check out the parade, live entertainment, fireworks and pancake breakfast! -------- Midway Hours • Friday 5-11pm • Saturday noon-midnight • Sunday noon-5pm Food Court Hours • Friday 5-11pm • Saturday noon-11pm • Sunday noon-5pm Parade Saturday 11am - Prospect & Maple to downtown Welcome from the Mayor Saturday 7pm Turn Back Time – Cher Tribute Saturday 7 - 8pm Pop Vegas Band Saturday 8:30-10pm Fireworks Saturday 10:30pm Pancake Breakfast Sunday 8 - noon at the fire hall