Road's End Vegetable Company
Good food is my passion. I love growing it, eating it, learning about it, creating new recipes with it, writing about it and sharing it with others. 2015 will mark the 7th season since Road’s End Farm began.
We have come a long way since that first fall in 2008 when I first returned to the Cariboo, went out into the hay field with a weed-eater and a roto-tiller and tilled up half an acre. This land is home in a way no other place could ever be. I was just a baby when my parents built this house. We lived here with myriad animals until I was 13 and most of our food came from mom’s garden (in which I could often be found when the carrots were ready while at weeding time I tended to be nowhere to be seen). When we moved in with my Grandmother to take over her cattle ranch I was sad to leave this beautiful 80 acres and our solar-powered log house. But after 10 years living in Vancouver I decided I wanted out of the city and the rest, as they say, is history. The garden is a little over an acre now and last year I ran a 50 member CSA as well as selling at Cariboo Growers and the Farmers’ Market. I love this life and I look forward to sharing my passion for great food with you!
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facebook.comA farmer meltdown
This definitely happened to me. I didn't think I would ever leave Road's End. It was where I was sure I belonged. I won't stop growing good food though, and my new home is becoming more beautiful and productive by the day. I won't be market gardening again though, and that makes me a little sad. I envision a world where small, mixed farms are the norm and where farmers are more highly valued.
Women Who Farm
This is pretty cool, but in some ways also a bit sad since farming so very undervalued.

Why Did the Obamas Fail to Take On Corporate Agriculture?
Mental Floss
I hope this is true! So cool!

The National Young Farmers Coalition
Women Who Farm
Even after I move I will still still be using biodynamic practices at my new farm!

yeah!! I've wanted a duck moat for years! this is a great idea!

The Yardener
This made me laugh.

What nobody told me about small farming: I can’t make a living
This is one of the best articles I have read on the subject. It's sad because it is so true. I don't want to believe it, but it's still true... and I don't have any answers. yet.
Activist Post
food for thought

and they are pretty! Never understood why people hate them so!
