Rotary Club of Wellington, Ontario
We meet Tuesdays at 7:07 AM
Wellington Legion
364 Main Street
Wellington, ON K0K3L0
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Annual Wellington Rotary Golf Day. More information at
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Wondering what is in the Diners & Duffers books this year....
Wellington Community Gardens
please share and mark the new dates. Thank you.
Wellington Community Gardens
Building wooden 4 x 8 frames
Please come out and help. Share and invite your friends too.
Hospice Prince Edward
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Rotary Club of Wellington announces initiative to raise funds for a NEW PEC hospital. Read all about it in the Wellington Times Read the full press release on the Rotary website at
Photos from Rotary Club of Wellington, Ontario's post
President-Elect Alex Lacher had the opportunity to visit Rotary International headquarters in Chicago. Here he can be seen beside a memorial for the founder of Rotary, Paul Harris, and in the office of current Rotary International president John Germ.
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They're back!!! 2017 Rotary Diner & Duffers books are in. Available for sale March 21st. $35 each. $3500 value!!! Get yours through a club member, visit Nash Home Hardware or stop into the Wellington McDougall Insurance office.
1 Million Women
could this be a project for the Wellington Rotary for our community provide shopping bags with Rotary Wellington on it ?
Rotary International
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Wellington Rotary Family Day The 50/50 Draw winning number is 5243820. The total prize was $138.50.