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Crosshair Springs - breeding quality mules

, Vermilion, Canada
Agriculture Company



At Crosshair Springs we pride ourselves on breeding top quality mule stock.


Photos from Crosshair Springs - breeding quality mules's post

Sneak peek of a new filly we'll be bringing home as a hopeful broodmare prospect 😉

Photos from Crosshair Springs - breeding quality mules's post

Mary Jane picks on her older brother to no end. He's so good with her! Love the mind set that Baxter has left on his foals!

Mary Jane picks on her older brother to no end. He's so good with her! Love the mind set that Baxter has left on his foals!

Love this molly. Such an attitude and spunk, she's going to be a brave solid mount in a couple years!

Love this molly. Such an attitude and spunk, she's going to be a brave solid mount in a couple years!

Hard to get a thicker mule foal without draft breeding than this girl. Just a month old and already a tank! Bobbi has regained what muscling she's able to. She won't regain anymore, will always have a slightly sunk in hip. Can see in this video how she walks on her hind left. This is what causes her muscle proportions to be off and that's her top speed. Sadly, carrying Mary Jane to term worsened her lameness but now she'll get to live a lush life as a pasture companion/kids lead line pony. Bobbi has been given to a friend for her toddler and infant to grow up around a horse and learn the very basics along with the occasional pony ride around the yard. Bobbi will never be rebred and will return to us once my friends kids are done with her (if they ever are).

Hard to get a thicker mule foal without draft breeding than this girl. Just a month old and already a tank!

Bobbi has regained what muscling she's able to. She won't regain anymore, will always have a slightly sunk in hip. Can see in this video how she walks on her hind left. This is what causes her muscle proportions to be off and that's her top speed. Sadly, carrying Mary Jane to term worsened her lameness but now she'll get to live a lush life as a pasture companion/kids lead line pony.
Bobbi has been given to a friend for her toddler and infant to grow up around a horse and learn the very basics along with the occasional pony ride around the yard. Bobbi will never be rebred and will return to us once my friends kids are done with her  (if they ever are).

Breeding update: A couple weeks ago we posted we'd be breeding a couple of our mares to an outside spotted jack. This is no longer the case. Upon bringing our mares to be bred and meeting the jack in person he wasn't of the quality or build I want to bring into our program. I want well built, well muscled foals on the ground, like Mary Jane. So the 2 mares we were going to breed to that jack were instead bred to Baxter so I know I'll get the quality of foal I'm after, just may not have the color the painted jack could have provided. That's a loss I'm willing to take over possible confirmation faults occuring if we did breed to the outside jack. Also we'll be leaving 2 of our most highly anticipated 2018 broodmares open due to training and foaling date issues. In total we will have 2 mares (Rory and Birdie) bred to Big Ears Baxter and 1 mare (Dream) bred to WAR Skylark. All will be confirmed in foal via ultrasound. Next year all mares of breeding age will be bred to Big Ears Baxter. The following year we'll be introducing our junior jack to our program, possibly on 2 mares with the remainder bred back to Baxter. Sorry for those who were excited about a cross by a big spotted jack but the odds just weren't the risk for us. We always breed for quality over everything else!

RHR Dreamin Of Rain - broodmare

"Dream" is currently being exposed to WAR Skylark at STJ Acres. Will be confirmed in foal via ultrasound once home. Very excited for this cross!

RHR Dreamin Of Rain - broodmare

Rorschach - broodmare

"Rory" has been bred to Big Ears Baxter for 2018 foal. Will be confirmed in foal via ultrasound in a couple weeks

Rorschach - broodmare

STJ Snowbird - broodmare

"Birdie" has been bred to Big Ears Baxter for 2018 foal. Will be confirmed in foal via ultrasound in a couple weeks

STJ Snowbird - broodmare

Smithers - sale pending

This boy is getting harder and harder to let go! Amazing personality and just an all around wonderful guy ❤

Smithers - sale pending

Foals 2017

Our sweet Mary Jane

Foals 2017

STJ Spectacular Rain - broodmare

Still waiting for little Holly to grow up but she's already a fantastic animal. Mindset to die for! Can't wait to start riding her in another 2 years (waiting until she's 3 to start due to her slow growth)

STJ Spectacular Rain - broodmare

PP Chips Chocolatlady - broodmare

Mocha seems quite please with herself that she too will be left open this year. Turns out she isn't due to foal for another 1.5-2 months (confirmed by vet check. This is why I will not pasture breed). So we'll leave her open, give her a year to be a horse, then breed her next year on our breeding schedule

PP Chips Chocolatlady - broodmare
