The Town of Unity is located in west-central Saskatchewan, Canada. It was incorporated in 1909. Today it has a population of approximately 2400, and is known as safe and affordable community. with many employment and business opportunities.
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facebook.comUnity Ball Diamonds
The Unity Ball Diamond Schedule is now ONLINE, check it out here
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Official opening of the Nurturing Room in memory of Shirley Parkinson, at the Unity Community Resource Centre, TODAY, 330 to 5 pm
Unity Swimming Pool
Information links on the Red Cross Preschool Lesson Categories, and the Red Cross Swim Kids Lesson Categories, has been added to the Town of Unity website
The Unity Hospital Auxiliary Tea and Bake Sale is TODAY, at Unity Long Term Care (attached to Unity Hospital), from 2 to 4 pm. Come out and visit, door prizes, purchase some great treats, and support a great cause!
Notice from the Unity Public Works Department •Untarped or unsecured loads of garbage will be levied a surcharged at the Unity Landfill- please follow correct procedures when transporting waste in an effort to eliminate the risk of littering along the roadways. •When cutting lawns, please do not spread cuttings onto sidewalks and streets- this causes potential issues and clogging with the Town's storm water system.
Unity Farmers Market OPENING DAY, THIS FRIDAY, May 12th, Unity Legion Hall, Main Street Unity.
Unity Credit Union Aquatic Centre
Town of Unity
Your Invasive Species of the week is Zebra Mussels! Now that the summer season is getting closer, and people are getting their boats ready to drop into the water. It's very important to know the area you're headed to and whether or not there is anything that can effect your boat and the environment around when it is both in and out of the water. Impacts of Zebra and Quagga Mussels -Zebra and quagga mussels filter water to the point where food sources such as plankton are removed, altering food webs. This also causes clearer water, allowing sunlight to penetrate deeper, increasing growth of aquatic vegetation. -Impact fish and wildlife by increasing toxic algal blooms. -Large colonies affect spawning areas, potentially impacting the survival of fish eggs. -Affects recreational activities by cutting swimmers feet as a result of their sharp shell. What You Can Do -Learn how to identify zebra and quagga mussels and how to prevent accidentally spreading these invasive species. Inspect your boat, trailer and equipment after each use. Remove all plants, animals and mud before moving to a new water body. -Drain water from motor, live well, bilge and transom wells while on land. -Rinse all recreational equipment with high pressure (>250 psi), hot water (50°C / 122°F) OR let it dry in the sun for at least 5 days. REMEMBER TO: CLEAN DRAIN DRY your boat and try to prevent the spread of invasive species.
Unity Swimming Pool
Registration for 2017 Swimming Lessons will be held May 17 to 19, and May 24 to 26, from 3 to 7 pm at the Unity ARENA Lobby, first come first serve. The pool schedule and registration package (includes prices dates application forms) is NOW ONLINE, click below
Timeline Photos
Congratulations to Kathy Soloski, the April SHOPportUNITY APP Champion! Larry Kraft of Sperle's Tire and Battery is shown presenting Kathy with a $50 gift certificate. It's easy to participate- download the APP, make purchases at participating businesses, scan the code at the checkout counter, and maybe you could be May's Champion!
This years Rec Guides are in! Stop in at the town office to grab one or stop and see some of your local businesses!