Camp YMCA Kanawana
Non Nobis Solum
Not for ourselves alone
Pas seulement pour nous-mêmes
Faits saillants
1894: Le YMCA de Montréal fonde son premier camp de vacances pour garçons sur une île du lac Saint-Joseph, près de Sainte-Agathe, (Camp Jubilee).
1910: En réponse à la popularité croissante du Camp Jubilee, le YMCA de Montréal achète les terres entourant le lac Saint-Louis et le lac Rond, et y établit un nouveau camp appelé Kamp Kanawana – qui signifie “paisible et débordant de nourriture”.
1937: Kanawana devient le fer de lance du mouvement pour l’établissement de l’Association des camps du Québec. Aujourd’hui, cet organisme accrédite et règlemente plus de 140 camps de vacances au Québec.
1968: Le camp YMCA Kanawana admet pour la première fois des filles; soixante-six filles s’inscrivent au camp mixte.
1994: Le camp YMCA Kanawana célèbre les 100 ans de travail du YMCA de Montréal en matière de camps de vacances en organisant une fin de semaine de réunion des anciens. Plus de 100 anciens campeurs et employés se réunissent sur place pour souligner cet accomplissement.
1894: Montreal YMCA establishes it’s first summer camp for boys on an island in Lake St. Joseph near Ste. Agathe. (Camp Jubilee)
1910: In response to growing popularity of Camp Jubilee the Montreal YMCA purchases the land surrounding Lac St. Louis and Lac Rond and establishes a new camp called Kamp Kanawana – meaning “peaceful and plenty to eat.”
1937: Kanawana spearheads the movement to establish the Quebec Camping Association. This organization now accredits and monitors over 140 certified Quebec camps.
1968: Kanawana admits female campers for the first time. Sixty-six girls register in the first co-ed summer.
1994: Kanawana celebrates 100 years of the Montreal YMCA’s involvement in camping by organizing an alumni reunion weekend. Over 100 past campers and staff reunite for a weekend of celebrations on site.
Administrative history (From Concordia Archive)
In 1910, R.B. Ross, Samuel Cushing, and J.C. Charleton made a trip through the
Laurentians to choose a new campsite for boys age 16-18. They chose land
surrounding Lake St. Louis (renamed Lake Kanawana) and Lake Round, and the
YMCA purchased the site. YMCA lore has it that “Kanawana” is an Indian word
for “plenty of eats”. Kamp Kanawana’s first season was held in 1910. Two years
later, J. W. McConnell donated land surrounding Lake Desjardins, adjacent to
Kamp Kanawana. In 1926 the YMCA purchased 12 acres of land on Lake Becsie
(sometimes known as Becsies), adjacent to Kanawana. In 1929 Camp Becsie on
the shore of Lake Becsie was developed as a site for special groups such as
children from the Montreal Protestant Orphans Home. Electricity was installed at
Kamp Kanawana in 1951 and the craft shop and the waterfront recreation
building known as the Longhouse as well as a small administration building
were erected. In 1964 the YMCA purchased 120 acres of land that connected
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Ready to jump into some boats (or onto a SUP) and get paddling! 📷: Richard Taylor, Lego Builder Extraordinaire (
Can your eagle eyes spot the Kanawanian in this trailer for Bon Cop Bad Cop 2? Starting at 0:35... Est-ce qu'il y a d'autre personne qui ont si hâte pour ce film? ... .. . (Karl Werleman, we love your moustache look :D)
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Can't wait to taste that first s'more of the season...🔥 📷: Richard Taylor, Lego Builder Extraordinaire (
We're happy to announce that Megan Hailstone has accepted a change in position to become our new Assistant Coordinator! Dans le passé, elle a été la coordonnatrice adjointe du camp et du programme après-école au Repaire jeunesse Dawson, et même une campeuse à Kanawana comme Voyageur. She's been doing great work as our LIT Section Director, and we're thrilled to have her in this new role! The LIT program remains in the capable hands of our three LIT Directors under Megan's supervision, but we are on the hunt for a new LIT Section Director. Send your CV to if you're interested in this position!
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That feeling when you get higher up the wall than last time, or when you finally reach the top... 🏆 📷: Richard Taylor, Lego Builder Extraordinaire (
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62 days until the first day of camp! On est presque rendu!!!
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Now that spring is finally here, we're dreaming of Kanawana days filled with all kinds of activities! Where's your favourite place on camp to hike to? 📷: Richard Taylor, Lego Builder Extraordinaire (
Photos from Camp YMCA Kanawana's post
Hope everyone had a "Hoppy" Easter long weekend! Here's a teaser for some fun stuff coming to this page soon... (Qu'el qu'un d'autre veux un bagel Montréalais ce matin? St Viateur ou Fairmount?) (Bagel Scene Photo Credit: Jeff Friesen, A Brick Fantastic
Un camp nature pour tous!
Great to hear stories from happy Kanawana kampers! Merci à Sidney Ribaux pour cet article sur Métro!
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Shoot us a ❤️ or 👍 if you've already (at least mentally) started packing for camp... I know I have!
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“Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.” - Jenny Han
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"In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer." - Albert Camus Anyone else feeling a little buried? It's ok, summer is just around the corner!