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The Possibilities Clinic

55 Eglinton Ave. East #305, Toronto, Canada



We offer integrated treatments for ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tourette Syndrome & associated issues.  At the Possibilities Clinic we offer integrated treatments for ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tourette Syndrome & associated issues.

Possibilities is a patient focused practice that provides the most comprehensive, proven effective, evidence based treatments in Canada.  We offer integrated medical and psychotherapy services grounded within a positive developmental framework for children, adolescents and transitional age adults by an elite team of psychiatrists, psychologists, registered social workers and coaches.  By creating a positive nurturing environment, we   encourage  clients  to go beyond "good enough" and reach for their personal best.

Appointments with our psychiatrists and other medical doctors are fully covered under OHIP – this includes initial assessment and follow-up. Other services offered at The Possibilities Clinic are private and as such are not covered by OHIP.  They may, however, be covered in full or in full by  private health insurance providers.   As well, many of our services are considered medical expenses and may be claimed as a tax deduction when filing your annual income tax return.


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FREE Lecture for Parents. An Introduction to Management Strategies for Tics.

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