Heather Toney Ciochon, Naturopathic Intern
Providing the knowledge to those who wish to take their health back into their own hands. Naturopathic medicine works with the body, not against it. During the long four years of university, I studied and worked incredibly hard to reach the goal of becoming a physician. However, along the way, I failed to respect and care for my body. As my health began to fail, I found myself turning to the gentle and safe modalities of naturopathic medicine. And while the deterioration of my health is difficult to reflect upon, even now, I am so incredibly thankful for the passion that it sparked; a passion for the strength and innate ability of the body to heal itself. I am a naturopathic medical student not because I want to wear a white coat and be called 'Doctor', but rather because I aim to be a supportive and reliable resource for all those on the journey back to health.
Office hours:
Tuesday: 8am-8pm
Wednesday: 2pm-8pm
Friday: 8am-2pm
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Free Adrenal Triad Seminar in Waterloo!
Fertility Awareness: Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Wanting to use Natural Family Planning or "Fertility Awareness" instead of oral birth control? Set up an appointment for an in person appointment or a phone/skype consultation! http://www.sproutwellness.ca/ http://americanpregnancy.org/preventing-pregnancy/natural-family-planning/
Sprout Wellness Clinic
30 minute acupuncture session for $40! Book online with me on Thursdays at Sprout Wellness. Great for headaches, back pain, joint pain, fertility, stress/anxiety. Looking forward to helping you achieve health! http://www.sproutwellness.ca/
Acupuncture Alleviates Migraines
Suffering from headaches/migraines? Come see me at Sprout Wellness for acupuncture and cupping at a discounted rate! Enjoy a relaxing, acupuncture treatment set to relaxing music or quiet space. Book online Thursdays from 9am-7pm. http://www.sproutwellness.ca/ http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1578-acupuncture-alleviates-migraines?utm_content=buffer18c15&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer
Six easy ways to boost male fertility levels
Selenium–vitamin E supplementation in infertile men: effects on semen parameters and pregnancy rate
"Male infertility refers to a male's inability to cause pregnancy in a fertile female. In humans it accounts for 40-50% of infertility. It affects approximately 7% of all men. Male infertility is commonly due to deficiencies in the semen, and semen quality is used as a surrogate measure of male fecundity." Supplemental Se and vitamin E may improve semen quality and have beneficial and protective effects, especially on sperm motility. We advocate their use for the treatment of idiopathic male infertility diagnosed with asthenoteratospermia or asthenospermia in semen analysis. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3048346/
Timeline Photos
Wanting to conceive in 2016? Let me help you to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby. Pre-conception care available in person or via long-distance Skype consultations. Treatment includes help with BBT monitoring, cervical mucous monitoring, supplements/herbs to enhance fertility, dietary counselling to enhance fertility and acupuncture to improve conception. Let's get started! You may book appointments: Tuesday from 8am-8pm; Toronto at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic. http://rsnc.ca/ Thursday from 9am-7pm; Sprout Wellness Clinic in Kitchener, Ontario. http://www.sproutwellness.ca/
Meet Heather!
The day has come! I will be taking new patients at Sprout Wellness starting tomorrow, January 7th, 9am-6pm. You can now book online! Start the new year off on the right track and let me help you to prioritize and reach your health goals! Looking forward to seeing many new faces this year. Services: nutritional counselling, nutraceutical prescriptions, acupuncture, B12 injections, natural family planning, botanical medicine prescriptions, annual physical exams.
Just 10 more days until my free PCOS seminar in Waterloo! Come join me! Sign up for my FREE 1 hour PCOS seminar! The event will be held on January 14th at 6:30pm at GoodnessMe! Waterloo. Please click the following link to sign up for the seminar. I will provide you with a wealth of information! Looking forwarding to see you all there! http://goodnessme.ca/c18548