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Dr. Aliya Visram

989 Queen St E, Toronto, Canada



Mom | Chiropractor | Prenatal & Pediatric Wellness | Follow my adventures balancing motherhood, my career and a healthy inspired life. Hello! My name is Aliya.

I am a chiropractic doctor and acupuncturist. But I’m much more than that. I’m a wife, mom, daughter, sister, runner, yogi and health advocate.

A certified yoga teacher and new mom, I am a firm believer in feeling your best and leading by example. I hope to share my insights with you and help you on your journey to living your best life!


+ Doctor of Chiropractic (licensed in both Canada and Australia)
+ Registered Acupuncturist (Traditional Chinese Medicine & Neurofunctional Medicine)
+ Focus in women’s health, pediatric care, pre-natal and post-natal health, family wellness
+ Certified in Webster Technique (learn more here)
+ Certified Yoga Teacher

I love sharing my knowledge, experience and passion needed to help you live your best life!

My Story

Growing up, my family believed in promoting health and healing using natural remedies and treatments. With these values in mind, I pursued my studies with the intent on helping others achieve their best possible health in a similar integrated way.

After completing my Doctor of Chiropractic degree at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College and my acupuncture diploma at McMaster University, I decided to start my practice in Australia. This allowed me to gain a wealth of knowledge and experience outside my Canadian borders. Ripe with valuable skills and experiences in family and pediatric wellness, it was time to return home to Toronto to build a practice dedicated to inspiring patients to achieve their health goals using an integrative approach.

I have settled into a multi-disciplinary practice in the heart of Leslieville at the beautiful Restore Integrative Health clinic. Find me at the clinic, on my yoga mat, going for a run or playing hide n’ seek with my little girl, Rose!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Get in Touch

Live happy! Live healthy! If you’re interested in working together to start your journey toward living your best life connect via the contact form below or reach Dr. Aliya Visram at Restore Integrative Health.

989 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON M4M 1K2


Timeline Photos

Found: the reclusive Earth Day Gnome. 🌺🌍🌿

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Timeline Photos

#tbt to this weekend when Will and I were "models" for a photoshoot at @torontoyogamamas.

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Things I wish I had known before my first baby! – Dr. Aliya Visram

6. Girl, trust yourself!

Mother’s Wrist: A common “new mama” pain! – Dr. Aliya Visram

The wrist/hand/thumb pain most mamas experience is a condition called De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis or as it's commonly called, “mother’s wrist” or “mommy thumb”.

Baby Got Back: Why babies bring the (back) pain and what you can do to stop it | City Parent

At least 50% of pregnant women will experience pain in the lower back and if not adequately dealt with, that pain could even persist after giving birth. Ouch!

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Less than a year ago, we lost my father. We miss him every day. In three weeks, the event that he looked forward to all year is happening. It was his favourite event of the year, not just because it was in support of cause so dear to his heart, but because it meant that he could spend the morning with the people that he loved the most in this world. Read more in my latest blog post and help support this worthy cause. #walk4mydad #walk4md

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How to Treat Mother's Wrist

How to Treat Mother's Wrist

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And that's a wrap on our (two week) March Break friends! As much as I love hanging out with this girl - I'm honestly excited to get back to regularly scheduled programming (full time preschool!) 🙌

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Baby Tummy Time Tips with Dr. Aliya

Tummy time. If you’re a parent to a newborn you’ve definitely heard of it. Tummy time is incredibly important for your baby’s development but it can sometimes be challenging for both baby and parent to get in as much time as suggested. Here is my #1 tummy time tip that will help the both of you embrace the exercise.

Baby Tummy Time Tips with Dr. Aliya

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Hooray for the first day of Spring!! We are throwing our hands up in the air with joy - no more hats, lost mittens and tantrums over zipping up her coat...(we hope!?!) Today also happens to be the International day of Happiness and we're all smiles over here! Welcome Spring!

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Timeline Photos

To my girl on her 3rd birthday. Someone up there chose me for you and I feel so blessed. You have taught me more about myself in the last three years than I've learnt in my entire life. Thank you for being so strong yet so so strong willed yet so kind hearted and full of love for everyone you meet. You are my sunshine mixed with a little hurricane and I wouldn't have it any other way. I know your Nana is smiling ear to ear with pride as he watches over you. Happy birthday, Rose.

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Toronto Yoga Mamas

Busy moms at home, busy moms at work - this one is for you! Try these 7 easy stretches (in less than 7 minutes) and feel better instantly! Check out the video here:


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