Darul Hijra Islamic Centre is an up and coming full-service Muslim community centre. We provide education, social services, and recreation for all ages. Dar Ul Hijra Islamic Centre is a project of Canadian Muslim Heritage Organization. Since opening in 2007, the DH Islamic Centre has gradually increased the services it offers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Although, we are a relatively new organization, by the grace of Allah the centre was blessed to receive tremendous support from the community. Alhamdulilah this is due to our prominent members who volunteer their expertise to provide leadership and direction for the centre.
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Another important lecture on Establishing an Islamic Household by Ustadh delivered for Friday Kutbah at Masjid Dar-ul Hijra.
Imran ibn Mansur
Emotional reminder delieverd by our Ustadh Abdulrahman at Masjid Dar-ul Hijra Toronto, ON
Alhamduliah, wasalatul wasalamu a'laa rasulilaah: Our brother Ustadh Abdulrahman has left us and we ask Allah to allow him to arrive back to the UK safely. We would like to thank all of our volunteers and those of you who have taken advantage of this conference. This conference was conducted solely for the sake of Allah. Our mission was to help the youth in seeking knowledge during this break. We would like to advise ourselves first then our dear brothers and sisters to not stop seeking knowledge after this conference, seek knowledge even if it is only one ayat and seek knowledge until death reaches you. Insha-Allah we will continue inviting our brother back. We would like to remind the Muslim community that in order for classes to be conducted we need continuos and genuine moral and financial support from our communities; which means we need people pay sadaqa and to remind ourselves to pay whatever we can afford as Allah (subhanahu wata'ala) promises Jannah. To conclude we want to give a huge shoutout to all the students who wrote the Ar'baeen test and congratulations to the top 3 students who received their prizes we hope you enjoy them. Until next time, wasalamualykum warahmatullahi wabrakatu!
Live: Last lecture for most people, the Ustadh is giving a reminder in which he is discussing The Obstacles A Student of Knowledge Faces. Tomorrow's Fajr class is the last class that our brother will conduct and he will be leaving back to the UK. We ask Allah to reward and protect our Ustadh and grant him janatul firdows al a'laa. Allahuma Ameen.
Jizakallahu Khayran for all of those who wrote the test today, May Allah increase you all in knowledge. Out of the 67 students who had written the test; 10 of them got marks in the 90s with 9 brothers getting over a 90% and a sister who scored the highest mark! Masha-Allah. Again, May Allah preserve you all.
Announcing the highest marks!
Here the students from both the sisters side and the brothers side listen closely to hear who scored the highest marks!
Photos from Dar-ul Hijra Islamic Centre's post
We have concluded our sharh of the 40hadith, alhamduliah. We now have begun Sifatus Salah An-Nabi by Sh. Albaani rahimullah. The test for the 40hadith has been moved to tomorrow after Duhur Salah insha-Allah ta'ala.
Asalamualykum: A quick reminder for everyone to bring their OWN tablet or ipad in order to do the test for tomorrow insha-Allah. Requested by Ustadh and the organizers of the conference. Barakallahu feek!