Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) Canada District Welcome to the Official Facebook Page of the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) Canada District. Follow us for upcoming District News, Events, Programs and Announcements.
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facebook.comRecognition Night 2016
After its successful 23rd Church Anniversary & Thanksgiving, the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) in Toronto, held its Victory Service & Recognition Night. To God be the Glory!
Toronto's 23rd Anniversary Recap
Praise the Lord for the victory He has given the local church of Toronto on its 23rd Church Anniversary & Thanksgiving. Glory to God!
Toronto’s 23rd Church Anniversary
Praise the Lord for the victory He has given the local church of Toronto on its 23rd Church Anniversary & Thanksgiving. Glory to God!
Congratulations to the PMCC (4th Watch) of Toronto on its 23rd Church Anniversary and Thanksgiving! By the grace of God, we claim a victorious and fruitful celebration! Let us come with thanksgiving for God’s constant goodness to the brethren in this place. To be held at the Brighton Convention Centre located at 2155 McNicoll Ave., the service will begin at 3pm. With Canada District Coordinator and Surer Word TV Speaker, Bishop Jonathan Ferriol as their speaker, attend and be blessed! Livestream link:
We’re now at 4 hours left till we officially celebrate our 23rd year as the Toronto Locale! Are you ready for a display of God’s mighty work? Witness what God is doing in His church and glorify His name!
8 more hours and we’re down to the last details of our Church Anniversary & Thanksgiving. As we draw closer to one of the most awaited happenings in the local church of Toronto, join us in our continuous prayers for its success through the help of God.
Our anniversary celebration is fast approaching as we are just 12 hours away from the start of today’s service! Be a part of this momentous event at the Brighton Convention Centre located at 2155 McNicoll Ave. Let’s not miss out on God’s blessings!
16 hours to go until Toronto locale's biggest event yet! Join us as we magnify the name of the Lord for He is worthy to be praised!
We are down to 20 hours left 'till Toronto's 23rd Church Anniversary! Meticulously preparing in every aspect, each ministry is doing its part in giving the best for God on this day. Let's do our share in bringing guests on this celebration!
2 more days remaining until PMCC (4th Watch) Toronto Locale's 23rd Church Anniversary & Thanksgiving! Don't miss this opportunity to be blessed by the empowering words of God through the dynamic preaching of Surer Word TV Speaker Bishop Jonathan S. Ferriol. Praise the Lord!
Can you believe we're just 3 days away from our 23rd Church Anniversary? Practices, preparations and prayers are continually underway as we are inching closer and closer to the grand event. Make sure to be there!
Timeline Photos
4 more days and the excitement is truly building up. Don't forget to bring your family and friends, this anniversary will be one of the best displays yet of God's 23 years of faithfulness to the locale church of Toronto. So don't miss out!