Beth David Synagogue is a warm and welcoming Egalitarian Conservative Jewish Community: Participate, Learn and Grow! Our Congregation is a wonderful mix of singles and families, and the ruach is very evident on all festive occasions including Shabbat and festivals!
A multi-generational synagogue, BDBIBA offers programming for toddlers, seniors, and every age grouping in between! Some our groups include our Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Club Chaverut (Seniors).Yedidim (Grades 1-5), Kadimah (Grades 6-8) and USY (Grades 9-12)!
The congregation is an active affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, offers an extensive Continuing Education Program and seeks to foster strong identification with Jewish practice and tradition, with the State of Israel and the greater Canadian and North American Jewish Community!
In addition to all Sabbath and Festival Services, BDBIBA offers two daily morning minyanim and a daily Minhah-Maariv service! On Shabbat and Chag mornings, we offer appropriate services for children between age 6 and bar mitzvah, as well as a day care for children younger then that! Starting October 13 and happening twice monthly on Shabbat, there will be a teen service available children between bar mitzvah and high school graduation!
Our Facebook Page for our USY Chapter!
Tell your friends
Hey Beth David high schoolers and friends! You've only got a few more hours to sign up for the USY Laser Tag Shul Takeover happening next weekend! Registration closes at midnight!
Photos from Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am's post
Attention Beth David Members!
Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am
Have you heard? We are in need of lots of volunteers to help with a variety of Purim related initiatives this month! Check out these postings and sign up if you are available! You do not need to be a member to volunteer and if you are in high school, hours can be given upon request.
Happy Leap Day Beth David! This day only happens once every FOUR YEARS so do something awesome and REGISTER FOR USY LASER TAG SHUL TAKEOVER! Registration closes THIS SUNDAY, so head on over to the ECRUSY website to register! Tell your friends! Share to your timelines! Snap about it! The more the merrier! We would love to see you there.
Timeline Photos
Shabbat Shalom everyone! Don't forget about Points Redemption tomorrow at Shabbat's Cool! It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Hey Beth David families! If you've got any costumes sitting around at home that you no longer need, why not consider donating them to Beth David for our costume trunk this Purim? Free up your basement and do something good at the same time! Contact the Program Director at (416) 633 5500 ext. 24 for more details.
Beth David USY
A waffle bar AND an awesome speaker? You heard correctly! Beth David is THE place to be this Shabbat!
Timeline Photos
The B'nai Mitzvah program had a great time with Cantor Marshall Loomer this evening, discussing the Ten Commandments and how they are applicable in our everyday lives. Everyone was very engaged and asked lots of great questions! Is your child's bar or bat mitzvah approaching in the next year or two? If so, contact our Ritual Director, Michael Rubin, to inquire about how to get your son or daughter into the B'nai Mitzvah program! We do many great and meaningful activities throughout the year including discussions with the Rabbi and Cantor, volunteering our time at food drives and homeless shelters, and spending time with seniors to name a few, all designed to enhance your child's experience while preparing for their big day.
Beth David
Our second 3D dinner is fast-approaching! Spots are selling out quickly so make sure to reserve your spot now! RSVP deadline is February 11th or once all seats are filled.
Please be advised that Shabbat's Cool will still be taking place tomorrow, Saturday February 6th, however the Family Service that was originally scheduled will be postponed until a later date. We've got tons of fun planned for this Shabbat, including a few surprises that you do not want to miss! Thank you for your understanding. Shabbat Shalom!
Photos from Beth David B'nai Israel Beth Am's post
Check out our youth Shabbat programs! Sharon is hosting a fun family service for Shabbat's Cool this weekend, while Teen Talks is tackling the topic of "Heroes & Judaism" with Aaron and Alana. 10am-12pm respectively. We look forward to seeing you there!
Timeline Photos
Join us this Sunday. Eric Gertner will shed light on what happened to much of the Jewish-owned literature and property that disappeared during WWII.What was stolen, what was destroyed, what was recovered, and the extent to which the recovered material was returned. To register,please visit or call 416-633-5500.
Great event today at Beth David.. #bethdavid #barmitzvah #cateringtoronto #torontocaterer #torontoevents #eventstyling #eventplanner #event #evening #dinner #catering #cateringtoronto #torontocaterer #event #kosher #koshertoronto #torontokosher #toronto #zuchterberk #zbhospitality #jewishtoronto #jewish

