Brand strategy and development, business strategy and tactical execution, mobile UX development, wearable UX and design, and more.
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facebook.comStop chest beating. Start listening. - Sway
We all like to talk. Listen, — not so much. Here is a good list of tips to reassess our client communication skills. #listentoyourclient #startupskills #businessaccumen
Millennials: Burden, blessing, or both?
It is the old generational dichotomy, or, perhaps, a complex symbiosis. This time it is with a digital and international twist and a stronger assertion from the younger generation. #millenials #generationalsymbiosis
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In memory of those who tried to beat cancer and in support of those who are trying, and who did! #wewillbeatcancer Feel free to post/share this image and text on your timeline.
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Why some brands and businesses get astray from communicating their intrinsic value and unique value proposition? One of the statements by George Bernard Show comes to mind as a plausible explanation, — "The first prison I ever saw had inscribed on it CEASE TO DO EVIL: LEARN TO DO WELL; but as the inscription was on the outside, the prisoners could not read it." We'll leave this open for interpretation. Your thoughts and comments on this subject are welcomed.
Ai Weiwei Shocks with Cinema for Peace Photo - artnet News
When the art ends and the politics begins, — welcome to the 21century Neo Agitprop by Ai Weiwei and Co. #politicsofart #neoagitprop
3D-Printed Ceramics Are Flawless And Super-Strong
The incredible 3D-printed ceramics. #superstrong #newmaterials #techinnovation
BNN - Watch TV Online | The Disruptors: One-on-one with Plenty of Fish founder Markus Frind
An amazing story about one man hacking it from 0 to $800,000,000 in 12 year. #unicornhack #entrepreneurship
Vienna Art Week Reviewed - artnet News
Modernity meets baroque. #historiccontrast #artandtime #oldandnew
The Future Of The EU Is Being Decided Inside This 3-D Printed Building
3-D printing comes to architecture and construction, and the products are recyclable and reusable. Another wave of disruptive innovation in practice. #3dprintedbuilding #modernarchitecture #disruptiveinnovation
Is there a problem with this ad's copy by Outbrain? "Do You Have Great Content? Promote it with Outbrain." #copywithoutbrain