Located in Northwestern British Columbia, Terrace is a vibrant community of approximately 12,000 residents living in the spectacular beauty of the Skeena Valley. This is the Official Facebook Page of the City of Terrace. This page is not monitored by the City outside of regular business hours but we'll do our best to respond to questions and comments during regular business hours. We encourage residents, customers and others to contact the City directly regarding issues like registering for courses, complaints, and questions regarding Council agendas etc.
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NOT TOO LATE to Learn to Dragon Boat - Session is being held on Saturday, May 27 at 10am in the Sportsplex and finishes at Lakelse Lake. You can register the morning of, just show up at 950am. Enter through Sportsplex Administration doors. Bring you hat, lunch, pfd, sunscreen.... Join in on the FUN!
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Please check out this special promo happening all next week during bike to work week! No excuse to not ride your bike!!
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Have you seen our #Canada150 tulips in front of City Hall yet? Stop by and have a look!
May 25, 2017 Committee of the Whole - Greater Terrace/Thornhilll Governance Study
May 25, 2017 Committee of the Whole - Greater Terrace/Thornhilll Governance Study: There will be a Committee of the Whole meeting at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 25, 2017. The Greater Terrace/Thornhill Governance Study will be presented to Council. This meeting is open to the public. VIEW the Agenda .
Northwest Training Ltd. - Workbc Terrace Employment Services Centre
Check out all of these opportunities for employees, employers and entrepreneurs!
NEW Kids Yoga
NEW Kids Yoga: Kids Yoga with Jamie
Kids Duathlon
Kids Duathlon: Crystal Thomas has organized a Duathlon for kids 8-17 years. Everyone is welcome to come and participate. Varying distances for varying age groups. All bike types are welcome - however helmets are mandatory. Cost is $20 Registration starts at 9am at the Longhouse NWCC
Summer Daze 2017
Summer Daze 2017: Summer Daze 2017
May 23, 2017 Council Meeting Agenda Now Available
May 23, 2017 Council Meeting Agenda Now Available: The Agenda has been posted for the May 23m 2017 Council meeting. Please note that the Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 due to the Victoria Day holiday on May 22. the meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers and the public is welcome to attend. VIEW the Agenda
Terrace Downtown Improvement Area AGM
Terrace Downtown Improvement Area AGM: As a member of the Terrace Downtown Improvement Area you are invited to our Annual General Meeting. Wednesday, May 24th @ 7:00 pm at the Elections BC office at 4746 Lakelse Avenue (next to Shoppers Drug Mart). We will review last year's projects and events and discuss our plans for 2017. We hope to see you there!! Following the AGM we will be having a discussion on ideas and planning for our next five years. If you need further information please contact: Dennis Lissimore, TDIA Coordinator 250-635-6353 (office) or 250-631-2151 (cell)
BC Transit
Free Teen Yoga
Free Teen Yoga: Phone the Sportsplex for more information @ 250-615-3000