revel: independent coffee for a revolution home of direct trade coffee, delicious pastries & revelers
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facebook.comLove this face! #smilefordays #laughter #fulloffun #mischevious #campionfamilyvacation2018 #mexico🇲🇽 @ariellekaitlyn
Relishing these last moments #airwaterbreath #uninterruptedreading #campionfamilyvacation2018 #familytimebesttime
Current view #soakinginlastmomenta #campionfamilyvacation2018 #mexico🇲🇽
Closed tomorrow so staff can enjoy as days break after marvelously holding down the fort #funandsun #tulummexico🇲🇽 @visitstratfordon @stratfordccbia @savourstratford
Last full day in our little paradise while @revelstratford staff keep you fueled #coffeelife #revellife #baristalife #campionfamilyvacation2018 #relishingourlastmoments #tulummexico🇲🇽 @ariellekaitlyn @davemakesmovies @dylan.campion @ariellekaitlyn
Exactly! #cornysayingseversotrue #lovemycrazyclan #dowhatyoulove #campionfamilyvacation2018 #mexico🇲🇽 @davemakesmovies @julie.campion @ariellekaitlyn @dylan.campion
Today’s road signs #broughttoyouby #tulummexico #breathe #staypresent
These people. #mywholeheart #Davidcampion @dylan.campion @ariellekaitlyn @julie.campion @davemakesmovies #campionfamilyvacation2018
View this morning #happymonday thanks to my revel team for serving you all week while I enjoy the sun! #campionfamilyvacation2018
While staff are holding down the fort and will serve you well, we’re Coming into #Mexico #nothingbutbluesky #campionfamilyvacay2018 @dylan.campion @julie.campion @ariellekaitlyn @davemakesmovies @visitstratfordon @revelstratford #seeyouinaweek
Pre-vacay spa moment with my fav! @elsafahraeus @thespaonalbert #mexico #akumalbeach here we come! #campionfamilyvacay2018 #countdownison @dylan.campion @julie.campion @ariellekaitlyn @davemakesmovies