The Jewel Theatre is now open! Our Facebook page will keep you up to date on what is playing now and in the near future! Watch for Giveaways;) The Jewel Theatre is reopened under independent ownership! We are so happy to be able to bring cinematic adventures to our small town and surrounding areas.
Admission Prices:
Adults $10.00
Students (12-17) $8.00
Child (under 12) $6.00
Senior (65+) $6.00
Matinee $8.00
Cheap Tuesday $6.00
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facebook.comEscape Zone Central Inc.
A great gift for someone else or for yourself! Various price ranges saving you money on a fun night out😊
F8: Cruise In BBQ
Join us Saturday April 22nd between 5:30-7:00pm for BBQ'd burgers, popcorn, pop and some awesome cars. The street in front of the Jewel will be blocked off at 5pm for the cars to cruise in and the burgers will be hot and ready to go by 5:30. Then stay for the eighth installment in the Furious lineup - The Fate of the Furious at 7pm. This is a family friendly event, bring the kids out for a walk, some great food and some great cars. Fate of the Furious is rated 14A. **if you have a car you'd like to bring to the show please contact Rose 403-916-9632 or Byron 403-741-7637 - call or text.
Timeline Photos
Ok I'll try this again with correct spelling... We just had Fate of the Furious confirmed for April 21st! Stay tuned for details on another Cruise In BBQ event for Saturday April 22nd! And keep your fingers crossed for confirmation on Beauty & The Beast for April 28....!
Stettler Regional Board of Trade & Community Development
Before you come see Life today, take yourself and the family down to Expo '17!!
Jewel Theatre's cover photo
Timeline Photos
We've been given approval to switch the days we show movies in 3D (when 3D is available). If you love or hate 3D, please take note, our shows will play in 3D on Sundays and Wednesdays only. Thank you!
Jewel Theatre
Details to come.....!!!
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For those of you wondering about The Boss Baby, we are showing it here at The Jewel on the Easter long weekend. 2D and 3D with extra Matinees.
Timeline Photos
2:00 matinee of Power Rangers today!! (also plays tonight at 7:00 & 9:30) Rated PG.
Jewel Theatre's cover photo
Photos from Jewel Theatre's post
Weekly draw time! We have extra Power Rangers posters this week so we will be including one with our winning package!Please share and like this post for your chance to win a 2 for 1 movie pass, some free A&W and a Power Rangers movie poster! Don't forget there is a no school matinee of Power Rangers on Friday March 31st at 2:00pm. See you at the movies!
Jewel Theatre's cover photo