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Bay St. George Snowmobile Association

, Stephenville, Canada
Non-Profit Organization



Bay St Goerge Snowmobile Assoc.


Well, it seems we jinxed ourselves, which is why we normally don't post up grooming activities before we get the grooming done. The groomer left the shed last night to do 38 Trail but was only able to make it near Wheeler's Run before turning back due to mechanical issues. So 38 Trail was not done last night. The guys spent all day working out the issues, until 9:30PM tonight, but unfortunately they won't be able to get a trial run done this evening. And for the icing on the cake, the shed doors have come off the rollers... when it rains it pours! As of right now our season is done, we made every effort to get a couple days of grooming in before the rain this weekend but couldn't make it happen. Thanks for your patience. BSGSA Executive

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end! The plan is to groom 38 Trail tonight and Cold Brook Road tomorrow night, then the groomer will be parked for the season. There is a warm front coming through with lots of rain and wind this weekend, then sun and warm temps next week, as you know those don't make for good grooming conditions. We want to thank everyone who was involved this season for a great year on the snow. Our operator, Charlie, has done an exceptional job keeping the trails in great shape and our volunteers have chipped in on dozens of jobs throughout the season. We couldn't please everybody, but we pleased as many as we could. We also want to recognize the support we have received from our sponsors this year as they continue to work with our association and the NLSF to further the local and provincial snowmobile industry. Thanks to you all!

Keep an eye out for ruts from Ned's Pond to the Stephenville Crossing turnoff (and possibly towards the Crossing). A SXS made its way through the tracks, the trail could be darting when it freezes overnight.

Railbed out towards Robinsons was groomed Last night

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The railbed to Gallant's and M&F trail were groomed last night

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Photos from Bay St. George Snowmobile Association's post

38 trail was groomed last night Wheelers run and roundpot were groomed last night

Photos from Bay St. George Snowmobile Association's post

Photos from Bay St. George Snowmobile Association's post

Cb road to map groomed today Roundpot groomed today Kippens trail groomed today

Photos from Bay St. George Snowmobile Association's post

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Cold Brook Road to the Map was done today- what a beautiful day to hit the trails! Have a safe and enjoyable weekend, everyone!

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38 trail was done last night

Anyone find a black and orange FXR handle for a shovel on the trails today??

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Coldbrook road to Map was groomed last night

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Photos from Bay St. George Snowmobile Association's post

The weather has cleared so the groomer is back on the trails - this is near Saw Dust Road on Cold Brook Road around 6:30 today.

Photos from Bay St. George Snowmobile Association's post


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