People, scenery and abstract images. Let me capture your moments in time.
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facebook.comWho's decorating gingerbread today? These adorable little girls are going to start thinking I travel with cookies everywhere I go 🎄❄️🍪 **Giveaway alert**: Keep an eye out tonight...just saying...
The snow is back!! I'm getting all the warm fuzzies of Christmas on this snowy Sunday! 🎄🎅❄️ #stmarysont
Little Miss B and I have a secret to share! You can find us now on Instagram at **Contest Alert** Keep an eye on Facebook AND Instagram this week, because I may just be announcing a DOUBLE Christmas Giveaway 😊🎅🎄
In case you aren't in the Christmas spirit yet...🎄🦌 **Just a heads up, I am down to one session available before the big man in red comes!
Gift Certificates are here! Give the gift of memories this holiday season 🎄❄️
I can't believe I'm going to say this - but I kind of want the snow back for more shots like this! It's not hard to tell that this sweet little girl loves her puppy...all 82 pounds of him! (sidenote: I now have trust issues when someone tells me they have a "puppy" 😯)
A perfectly composed photo is nice. Capturing kids being kids...AMAZING! I love these little ladies and all their antics 😍 #backroads #winterminis
I got some wonderful shots of this beautiful little girl and her furry friend this past weekend. This was not one of them. This is a photobombing, sassy little pup. What a stinker! 🙈 #photographerproblems #ummexcuseme
One more for tonight, because boys with big blue eyes are even better than Christmas...even if you have to bribe them with cookies 😍🎄❄️
Holiday Minis today were amazing with snow! So cold, but so worth it! Now before I get back to editing like a crazy's a dog in antlers. I can't handle the cuteness 🙊🌲🎅 #backroadsimaging #holidayminis
Less than a week until Christmas minis! I have a few spots left to fill! Shoot me a msg to find out available times 😊
When your child that doesn't have a mean bone asks you to take "superheroey" pictures and you ask him to look tough... We hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween 👻