Springhill Miners Museum
Prices tax included:
Children 4-6- $4.50
Youth 6-18- $6.50
Adult- $7.00
Senior- $6.50
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Jamie Henwood, President of the Springhill Mining Heritage Society, receiving his Volunteer Recognition Award for his ongoing work with the Springhill Miners Museum.
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Doug Henwood receiving his Volunteer Recognition Award for his ongoing work with the Springhill Miners Museum.
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Does anyone know what is special about this watch? How does it relate to our collection?
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Happy Saturday everyone! The Springhill Miners Museum is looking for your help in learning more about some of our artifacts. We invite you to share your knowledge and stories about each of the artifacts we will be sharing over the coming weeks. Each comment posted on our image of the week will be entered in a draw to WIN some of our new 2017 merchandise in June. This week, we start with this whistle. What do you know about this piece? Did you have a relative who would have used this in their job? Please post your comments and stories below.
2016 Summer Student Position The Springhill Miners Museum is now accepting resumes for an Interpretive Guide. Applicants must be full time students and registered as a full time student with a post secondary institution in the upcoming academic year. Must be an outgoing, friendly individual who will provide interpretive services to visitors through guided tours. Some duties included greeting and welcoming visitors, conducting guided tours to groups ranging in size from 1-25 people, perform light janitorial services to ensure buildings and grounds are kept neat and tidy. Resumes can be emailed to springhillminersmuseum@hotmail.com