CMBear Art
Living and working a colourful life. I strive to create beauty with my gift and aim to spread His love and message through my work. CMBear (Christine Mathews)
Born and raised in Southern Ontario,
I have no formal training in Art.
I started painting several years ago as a part of recovery from a life-threatening car accident which left me immobile for several months.
Since, creating through art has become my life. God has given me this talent and I use it to celebrate Him.
I strive to create beauty with my gift and aim to spread His love and message through my work.
I work mostly in oils and oil/plaster but love to learn new and interesting techniques in other media as well.
“Inspiration is in everything if you have eyes to see it.” (CMBear)
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Oh how true this is!!!!!!!
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Baby & Me.....
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Title: Relic Artist: CMBear Size: 36x59.25” Medium: Acrylic
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The mind it takes to think this up is AMAZING!!!
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Title of Work: Tree of Life Artist: CMBear Size: 39 1/4” x 39 1/4” Medium: Oil, Plaster & Mixed Media By far my favorite, this painting took several months to complete. A combination of plaster, oil and mixed media, it represents the “Tree of Life from the Garden of Eden. Through intense and compassionate love, God exiled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden after eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil to prevent them from eating from the “Tree of Life.” “And the Lord God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever." Genesis 3:22 (NIV)