Smithville church of Christ
Our worship is simple and based entirely on what is taught in the New Testament. On Sunday, we will have prayers, congregational singing, partaking of the
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facebook.comCitizens “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.” - Ephesians 2:19 Citizenship denotes many things. Firstly, as Paul points out, it shows belonging. There is a place that you call home. It’s a place where you are welcome. Home is where you have family. It is a place where people share in the same beliefs and values. Home is where you’re accepted. We as Christians find that belonging, family, and acceptance in our heavenly citizenship. Second, citizenship implies responsibility. When you are a citizen of a country you have duties and responsibilities to that country such as obeying the laws and paying taxes. Paul tells the Philippians to behave as citizens. That means to act in accordance with the laws. We as Christians must act in a manner that shows we belong in heaven. Lastly, citizenship entitles us to the privileges and perks of the land. Being citizens of certain countries entitles you to things such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, universal health care, rights to privacy, etc. Being citizens of the household of God also comes with great perks. We have the forgiveness of our sins, the eternal home in heaven, access to God through prayer, and so much more. Our citizenship is in heaven and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Unknown “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” - 2 Chronicles 20:12 During the time period of “The Divided Kingdom,” Jehoshaphat began a reform in Jerusalem. During this reform, three nations came together to battle Judah. The outlook was bleak if not utterly impossible. Judah was a divided and weakened nation that was already tired from war. With the future unknown, Jehoshaphat turned to God, allowing him to provide and protect. God told them to simply hold their positions, and they would not even need to fight. The next day the battle was over, and not a single man from Judah had to lift a sword. We too face many difficulties and battles that seem unwinnable. Perhaps that is why there are so many of these stories in the Bible. We find times in our lives that we say, “we do not know what to do.” Our next statement should also be the same as Jehoshaphat’s by saying, “our eyes are on You [Oh, God].” Just as the answer they received was surprising, so too will ours be when God provides and protects. So when facing the unknown, have confidence, but let the confidence rest in God.
Success “O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of your servant, and to the prayer of your servants who delight to fear your name, and give success to your servant today." - Nehemiah 1:11 Success is a hard thing to define. Some rate success by what one has achieved in his/her life time, so the amount of work gauges success for them. Others rate success on fame or popularity. They would gauge success by the influence and admiration they were able to have during their life. Yet others would rate success on wealth. In their mind the amount of money equals the success they have had in these ventures. The Bible uses none of these standards to rate success. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. He spent considerable amount of time telling others about their wrong and the impending doom they would face. Yet, for all the people he preached to, only eight persons were saved on the ark. Able seemed to have no influence on his brother, amassed no great wealth yet was extremely successful in God's eyes. Success should not be rated on wealth, fame, influence, or any other earthly standard. What made Noah successful was that he found grace in the eyes of God. What made Able successful was that he offered to God an acceptable sacrifice. Our success should be weighed by our transformation and by the renewal of our minds so that by testing we may discern what the will of The Lord is and do what is acceptable and perfect.
Strong and Courageous “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” - Joshua 1:9 Joshua was going to face a lot of trials and battles in the near future. The rod of command was just passed on to him and now he was to lead throughout the conquest of Canaan. There would be times when he would have to stand in the ranks of soldiers and lead them into battle. He would have to face the families of the men who never made it home. There would be situations where sin was involved and Joshua would have to stand firm and condemn it in front of the congregation. There were certainly to be days where he felt alone, tired, and worn out. It may seem like Joshua would be the last person that needed this reminder. After all, he was the one who stood up for God when the whole nation turned their back on Him. He was Moses’ right hand man. He was used to being in the public eye and taking a stand for what is right. But God knew that even a man as strong and brave a Joshua needed a reminder to be brave and strong because God was with him. We too always need to remember these admonitions. We have good days and dark days ahead of us, but we should not be frightened or dismayed but strong and courageous because the Lord our God is with us wherever we go.
Hypocrisy “Choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24:15 Joshua points out a few very important truths about our personal actions. First, they are our choice. You cannot decide for me, and I cannot decide for you. While we can encourage, discourage, and influence others, ultimately your actions are your choice. Since my actions are my own, I am held accountable for my choices. I cannot point the finger at someone one else and blame them for my sins and my mistakes. The second truth that Joshua points out is that my responsibility to my God is not affected by others’ actions or choices. Regardless of what others do (even family, friends, or countrymen) I still have to put God first in my life. The faith that I have, I have to keep between me and my God. Others’ obedience or disobedience does not change that. Though there is a prevailing thought in our society that says hypocrisy on others’ part negates our responsibility, it is simply not true. We are to encourage, uplift, and lead by example, but when that does not happen, we still have to make our own choices that we are responsible for because we have a personal obligation to God. Don’t let others turn you from God. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.