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Tetrahedron Outdoor Club

Tetrahedron Provincial Park, Sechelt, Canada
Community Organization



Where anyone interested in the Tetrahedron Outdoor Club and activity in areas like Tetrahedron Provincial Park or Dakota Ridge can post info, current conditions, questions, look for trip partners or rides, or post photos and trip reports.



Please join the Tetrahedron Outdoor Club this Friday, April 21st, for Peter Feichtner's presentation of his trip to the Tzoonie Mountain area (head of Narrows Inlet) in September 2015. Peter and 3 others flew in by helicopter and spent 3 days exploring some of the unnamed and rarely visited peaks from their base camp on a glacier at the back end of the lake below Tzoonie Mountain. Peter lives in Gibsons and has spent decades exploring the little-visited and often unnamed peaks of the South Coast Mountains, often alone, and with none of the modern technology that is considered "essential" now. During the heyday of logging on the South Coast Peter would contact the logging operations that were opening roads in remote areas and arrange to get a ride as far as the new road had been built, and then continue on into a vast wilderness few or none had set foot in before. He is one of the last South Coast mountaineers of his generation still exploring the area, and in a style that will not be seen again. We're at our usual space downstairs at St. John's United Church in Davis Bay. Doors open by 5:30, potluck starts around 6:15, presentation starts around 7:00. The kitchen is fully stocked and very well equipped - all you need to bring is a dish to share. Help with set-up or clean-up needed and appreciated. Contributions to the donation jar to offset the cost of the venue gladly accepted! Guests and children welcome. St. John's is 2 blocks from the highway, beyond the Davis Bay Hall, on Davis Bay Rd. The main parking for the church is above, but there are some spaces below. Please park in the designated church parking and not on the street below.

Looks like the park and cabins will see some activity and overnight visitors over the Easter long weekend. You can take a look at the FB Group Tetrahedron Outdoor for the latest info and you don't have to be a member to look at posts. The road is without snow and ice but is very soft in places, and snow banks remain along the road and at the parking lot. The plower will be on the road Friday the 14th clearing ditches and improving other water-diversion features. Please watch for his rig and drive in a way that helps preserve the quality of the road bed during this season of heavy run-off. Thank you and have a great weekend in the Tet!

Stein Valley Wilderness Guidebook

Please join us on Friday, March 10th for Gordon White’s presentation on the Stein River Valley. Established as a Provincial Park in October 1995, the Stein Valley is one of BC’s most unique wilderness areas as it has the most ecological diversity of any park in BC and has a wealth of cultural heritage sites and outdoor recreation opportunities. Gordon has been exploring and documenting the Stein for almost 35 years and will share his stories of his adventures in this picturesque watershed. He will also discuss two Stein trips he has planned this year in case TOC members want to make this a club trip. Copies of Gordon’s Stein Valley Wilderness Guidebook will also be available to purchase - $20. For more info on the Stein and Gordon: We're at our usual space downstairs at St. John's United Church in Davis Bay. Doors open by 5:30, potluck starts around 6:15, presentation starts around 7:00. The kitchen is fully stocked and very well equipped - all you need to bring is a dish to share. Help with set-up or clean-up needed and appreciated. Contributions to the donation jar to offset the cost of the venue gladly accepted! Guests and children welcome. St. John's is 2 blocks from the highway, beyond the Davis Bay Hall, on Davis Bay Rd. The main parking for the church is above, but there are some spaces below. Please park in the designated church parking and not on the street below.

Latest forecast for South Coast

The road has been packed down by repeated trips with chains-on-tires spreading tracks. If you are going to the park this weekend use chains and spread your tracks. Visitors have reported tricky creek crossings over both Steele Creek and Chapman Creek crossings (no bridge over Steele Cr, damaged bridge over Chapman Cr) over the last few weeks, and unreliable ice on lake crossings. Avalanche hazard is forecast to be HIGH to moderate Friday to Sunday, and you can check out for more info.

The Georgia Straight

A nice write-up of a hike to Mt. Steele with acknowledgement of the TOC's efforts!


As of February 9th - the road is unplowed and it is uncertain if it will be for the weekend. The new wet snow may make plowing difficult. More information will be posted as soon as it is available.

Loppet and Snowshoe Challenge participants here are the race results. Thanks everyone for participating!

Sunshine Coaster

The Tetrahedron Outdoor Club was only a small part of this effort, and mostly provided $$. The volunteers making up the Sunshine Coast Loppet Committee are core Dakota Ridge volunteers (many of whom happen to be TOC members and volunteers) and the event was co-sponsored by Alpha Adventures- The Outdoor Adventure Store with Jamie Mani organizing prizes and the new Snowshoe Challenge, plus many other things. A terrific group of volunteers and racers, and a terrific venue! And thanks to the parents and other volunteers of the Dakota Ridge Jackrabbits XC skills development program for getting the kids up the hill and on the slopes to learn and participate! What an excellent day!

Sunshine Coaster

It is very likely that the road will have more than a foot of new snow by tomorrow morning, February 4th. Even if the plower is able to plow it wouldn't happen until after the worst is over. The forecast is for even more snow overnight, and continuing throughout the day Saturday. The way the roads have been today it's possible you couldn't even get to the bottom of the access road tomorrow anyway. Sections of the highway and many feeder roads were closed today.

Sunshine Coast Loppet

Still looking for volunteers to offer a few hours on Saturday for the Sunshine Coast Loppet and Snowshoe Challenge. Please go to for more info and contact the club through the website if you can help. 40+ registrants of all ages and counting!
