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Trully Amazing weight And Health Maintenance

203 Sumner Cresent, Saskatoon, Canada
Alternative & Holistic Health Service



Truvision gave me my life back. My pupose is to help others become healthy and confident. please join me in my Tru jouney.


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"The TruCONTROL COMBO" THE BLUE & ORANGE CAPSULES WORK TOGETHER! One releases fat, letting go of cellulite and toxins while the other helps with appetite control and energy. So, if you're looking for LONG LASTING RESULTS then you MUST take them together and be CONSISTENT for them to work properly. It's the most natural, easy and affordable plan on the market today. TruFix, "the blue pill" balances the blood chemistry. If your BMI is too high or too low your body is struggling! Your body is balanced through your blood chemistry so what that means this is a WEIGHT MANAGEMENT system, it balances the body to a healthy and balanced BMI. TruFix assists in cleansing the liver, lowering Cholesterol and balancing blood sugar. All of these things go hand in hand with cleansing the body, losing weight and increasing energy.Our weight loss combo is NOT a diet pill! It is a supplement. One that balances your body. Your blood is responsible for feeding your organs and if you're organs are not getting the nutrients they need through the blood, your organs will literally start pulling from other parts of the body trying to compensate for what they're not getting through the blood and this creates a negative spiral effect on your entire system making it virtually impossible to lose the weight and keep it off! The goal is to give your blood the nutrients it needs so your organs get what they need to function properly without any strain on them. By doing this you leave the rest of the body relaxed and able to comfortably function the way it was intended to do= Healthy Organs Happy Body!! It is NOT likely that you will balance your body overnight as you did not get unhealthy/overweight overnight AND it may take more time for some than others as our bodies are all different, it can in some instances take 1 - 2 years to completely balance the Blood Chemistry. When you commit to losing weight and getting healthy our weight loss combo when taken consistently will make that process so much easier. The TruFix is a MUST in this combo as it breaks away and dissolves that visceral fat. When taking traditional "diet products" that are thermogenic, you are forcing your body to lose weight, this does not last and you will put back on double the amount of weight you lost once you stop taking them!! The Combo works WITH your body, you see when you force the body to lose weight you also lose lean muscle mass and organ tissues can be depleted as well. This is VERY unhealthy!! Low carb and low calorie diets can have this affect also. "The Combo” TruFix & Tru Weight/Energy are formulated to work together, for optimal results! This will ensure that you retain your lean muscle tissue and deplete only the visceral fat aka. bad fat. You will also notice less weight lost in the breast tissue and that is because the TruFix dissolves the visceral fat and breast tissue is subcutaneous fat. Because Muscle weighs more than fat, and when your bloods getting the nutrients it needs its intern fueling your muscle also This is why many see inches coming off even when the weight remains the same. The Combo is not a diet pill, it is not a thermogenic product, so if you are looking for quick weight loss solution…. This is NOT it! If you are looking for Permenant Long Term Results… Your in the right place! Visceral Fat vs TruFix Visceral fat is the unhealthy fat that collects around the waistline. It isn’t just a problem in those who are overweight or obese. Even thin people can have visceral fat. If you are thin and not fit, you probably have visceral fat. Why should we care about this? This kind of fat ages you and depletes your energy. It overworks and wreaks havoc on the liver. It is reported to be linked to a slew of health problems including heart disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer, and metabolic syndrome. Additionally, the more visceral fat you have, the lower the amount of energy your body can create at any given time. It is because visceral fat is the most dangerous kind of fat that doctors have grown more concerned about waist size than the number on the scale, which can be very deceiving. While abdominal fat is usually visible, visceral fat can be hidden deep inside an outwardly "thin" person. The same holds true for fat that can line blood vessels, restrict blood flow, and damage the cardiovascular system. What does this have to do with TruVision? Well, our products, the TruFix , works from the “inside out.” This means it goes after this visceral fat – the worst fat, the bad stuff that could contribute to all those diseases. This is exciting news! For those of you who aren’t “getting any results,” realize that this fat that we are talking about, the stuff that surrounds your organs, and is UNDER the muscle of your abdomen, is not the most visible stuff. Once TruFix takes care of the worst fat that is the most dangerous to your health, it will move on to the more visible subcutaneous fat we are all familiar with. The other thing this should tell you, is that just because someone is skinny doesn’t mean they don’t need TruFix. They can still have visceral fat. That means you NO ONE is ruled out from needing this product. It can help most everyone! Removing visceral fat decreases the chances for so many health issues, in addition to decreasing our waistlines.




NEAR Trully Amazing weight And Health Maintenance

Stolen Sons Productions

Saskatoon, Canada
Music Production Studio