Soul Sisters Sarnia offers empowering, adventurous, and soulful workshops for young girls ages 8-14.
Please contact Jen for more info.
Soul Sisters Sarnia aims to empower and connect young girls by bringing them together to engage in unique experiences; teaching them together, the importance of connecting with their own mind, body, and soul.
*Soul Sisters Sarnia offers an 8 week workshop for young girls aged 8-12.
*Workshops available Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays, 6pm-8pm for ages 8-12 and Soul Sisters Junior for ages 6-8 on Sundays, 10:30-12.
*Each week will offer something new and exciting for the girls.
*$150 enrollment fee for the 8 weeks.
Soul Sisters,
"Two or more females who click on every level imaginable; who can talk about EVERYTHING from gorgeous foreign boys (or lack there of) to existentialism. Who reminisce, learn, dance, sing, complain, celebrate, play and dream together. Who will forever believe that they were born together and somehow separated at birth only to be brought together by fate at a later date in their lives. Where small talk doesn't exist and it's all about BIG talk. Soulsisters are forever yin and yang. From the very first breath to the very last."
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS #kindnessiscontageous #begoodhumans
My little beauties and I were so very lucky to spend our evening tonight making Christmas ornaments at Lake Life Studio!
Such a fun night last night with Julie of Honey Handcrafted making here beautiful string art hearts! 💗
Halloween treats and slime this past week with my girls!
Pumpkin Painting round three with my Senior Soul Sisters Girls tonight!🎃🎨
Pumpkin Painting round two last night with my girls🎃🎨
These girls went all out painting and decorating their Zekveld's Garden Market pumpkins tonight! 🎃🎨
Tonight, my girls were so very lucky to have the incredibly talented Polly Harris Solo singer/Guitarist play for them and it was such a fun night!❤️
We ❤️ Zekveld's Garden Market!!!🍎🎃🍂
My girls just LOVED making these absolutely adorable yarn octopus pals this week and so proud of how they all worked together to make them!❤️🐙