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Rae Photography
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a woman in distress was standing on the 18th floor of the kenwick the other day. i herd people making comments of awesome now i get a show to watch and people calling her names . its those types of things that push people over the edge that push people to that extent. suicide isn't a joke. and its not fun to be the person who was pushed so far that they don't want to be here anymore. depression gets the best of us. if you think its all in someones head then keep you negitive comments to yourself these people need someone to understand them to help them to try and help them think positive. they dont need people to tell the to kill themself or to jump when they are standing on the top of a building thinking about it . noone but that woman knows why she was pushed to that point. but the way our police stations and crime units work now a days basically tell people to suck it up. theres always something or someone to blame for someone commiting suicide, to those of you making jerk comments, she doesnt deserve that and to the police start taking more action against social media bullying, harassment, if someone is pushing someone to that point and you did nothing to stop this how will you feel ? if that was your son or daughter being pushed that far what would you do?
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got to hangout with this little princess today!
well everyone im digging out the easter props !!!!!
hey guys sorry I haven't been posting I have a website under construction and I've been super busy lately thank you for being so awsome<3.
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this big guy(Socks) this morning was loving the snow .