ECOLOS is a green public transportation; it offers a ferry service on the Ottawa river between Clarence Island and Thurso.
8$ per single vehicle. Ecolos Ferry runs on the Ottawa River between Clarence Island and Thurso. The boat is the only of its kind to run entirely off of batteries.
Cars: 8 $
Dual-Axle Trucks: 9$
Motorcycles: 4$
Bicycles: 2 $
Car with small trailer: 13$
Car with large trailer: 18$
Pedestrians cross free!
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Le 12 mai 2017 interview avec Radio Canada
Écolos le 8 mai2017
Allo Taxi Rockland
Allo Taxi Rockland
Traversier Ecolos Ferry's cover photo
UPDATE LUNDI 1er MAI: Nous avons malheureusement fermé le bateau pour aujourd’hui. La forte pluie a provoqué l'élévation des niveaux d'eau sur la route. Nous allons vous mettre à jour dès que les niveaux d'eau sont assez bas pour rouvrir le bateau. Nous apprécions votre patience et compréhension. Merci! UPDATE MONDAY MAY 1: We unfortunately have been forced to once again shut down the boat due to the high water levels on the river. The heavy rain we are getting has caused the water levels to rise again over the road. We will update as soon as the water levels drop enough to re-open the boat. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding. Thank you.
Photos from Traversier Ecolos Ferry's post
Bonjour les amis. Pouvez vous garder un oeil ouvert pour le pont de bois dans les photos? Un client du traversier est à la recherche de son pont qui est parti avec l'inondation. SVP nous contacter si vous le trouvez! MERCI! Hello, Friends. Please be on the lookout for the wooden bridge from the pictures. A customer at the ferry is trying to find this bridge. It floated away with the flooding and heavy current. Please contact us if you have any information that could be helpful! Thank you!
Bonjour les amis. Nous sommes maintenant ouvert! Les niveaux d’eau de la rivière ont baissé et le chemin est maintenant conduisable. Venez traverser avec nous jusqu’à minuit aujourd’hui, Vendredi le 28 avril. Hello, Friends! We are finally open again for business! The water levels of the river have dropped enough for the road to once again be driveable! Come and cross with us today, Friday April 28th, until midnight!
Ville de Thurso
Merci à tout le monde qui ont partagé! Le quai a été trouvé :D
OPP ask for help to identify human remains found along Ottawa River in Wendover
Timeline Photos
Le chemin du traversier. C'est le plus haut niveau d'eau de la rivière des Outaouais depuis plus de vingt ans! The road to the ferry. This is the highest the water levels of the Ottawa River have been in over twenty years. Photo Credit: Greg Van Dalen