Where Every Person Matters A new groups of believers that are "all in", committed to making followers of Christ.
We meet at 4635 Wascana Parkway (in the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Parkway Building - Southeast Entrance). We have two identical experiences: 9:30 am & 11:00 am.
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facebook.comOne moment can change the course of history. Even a single seed can grow into something exponentially greater than we could have ever imagined. How big of an impact can the “capital C” Church make on the world? Come find out this Sunday at 9:30 and 11am :: 4635 Wascana Parkway
Come check out Week 2 of Exponential this Sunday and make sure to grab some Easter invites to give to your friends and family! See you at 9:30 and 11am :: 4635 Wascana Parkway.
#lcexponential #bloomchurchtv
One of the most powerful things you can invest in isn’t a thing. It’s people. When you pour into others and help them grow, you can change the world. On Sunday, let's talk this about how life change can be Exponential as we kick off a brand-new series. 9:30 and 11am :: 4635 Wascana Parkway #lcexponential #bloomchurchtv
Last week of the series starting in 5 minutes then again at 11am :: 4635 Wascana Parkway. Are you loving this series? Check out the Bible Plan with your family, your LifeGroup or on your own. #whatwouldJesusundo #bloomchurchtv
Did you know... on the first Sunday of EVERY month your Konnect-aged kid (6-11 years old) can cash in their points for awesome prizes? They earn points in many ways including: memorizing bible verses, attending and inviting friends. Help your kids cash in and more importantly GROW by getting them to church every week.
It’s hard to like a hypocrite, right? Someone who says one thing but does another? Jesus wasn’t a fan of hypocrisy either. This week, let’s take a look at the cost of living a lie—and exactly why Jesus would call people out on it. 9:30 and 11am Sunday :: 4635 Wascana Parkway
“We will laugh hard, loud and often. Nothing is more fun than serving God with the people you love.” Here are some of our leaders having fun here in Oklahoma in between all of the learning and development.
This is Michael Nickless Wiebe. Can you tell he loves serving? He’s a huge part of Bloom, because he understands the importance of being a spiritual contributor! He can be seen setting up at 7am, greeting or jumping in on special events! What FUN to serve with Mike and be a part of 8 people experiencing new life through baptism last Sunday. #wegettodothis #bloomchurchtv
A great thought from Pastor Craig this weekend about the one thing we can do to avoid becoming indifferent. What are some examples of this in your life? #whatwouldJesusundo #bloomchurchtv
8 people being baptized and an awesome message today! Don’t miss it! 11am :: 4635 Wascana Parkway #whatwouldJesusundo #bloomchurchtv