On Point Writing and Editing provides high-quality freelance services to small- and medium-sized businesses and non-profit organizations.
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This was such an exciting project to be a part of — so happy to see the inaugural issue come out!
Genius Showing at the The Mayfair Theatre | Ottawa's home of stuff you won't see anywhere else
Hey look, a movie about an editor! I can't wait to see this!
Thrilled to have worked with the team at gordongroup on this project!
How do you know if your writing is successful
An interesting article for businesses that blog to generate leads.
The toxic effects of workplace stress
Stress at work: “It’s like driving your car in fifth gear all the time — it’s just not going to be good for the motor.”
Want to Be Successful? Have Fun. Seriously. by @SteveTobak
One person's take on how to achieve success: “When it stops being fun, I’ll do something different." I like it.
Seth Godin, Front Row Culture, and High School Holdovers – Public Words
What does it mean if I always sit in the middle?
The Power of Storytelling in PR | Cision
Storytelling is everywhere, because it works.
Does serious journalism have a future in Canada? | Public Policy Forum
A critical look at a critical issue.
The single most important digital skill CEOs need to learn
More insights into why CEOs should embrace social media.
Timeline Photos
The secret to being a better writer? Re-read your own work
Facebook is eating the world
Food for thought — where do you get your news?