Bringing health and wellness around the world through workshops, sessions, products and presentations. Raindrop sessions are a powerful tool and gift when facilitated in an optimal manner to enhance the life of a person, family, comunity, province, country and the entire universe. Higher Essence Healing speicalizes in empowerment utilizing the essence of botanical to empower the body, mind and spirit. Everythign is frequency, that is all there is to it. When you match the frequency fo what it is that you desire, you cannot help but achieve that reality. This is physics noy philosophy. Think it. Believe it. Allow it. Be it. You are worth it.
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*****RAINDROP BOOT CAMP***** Become certified to offer the Raindrop professionally in 7 days!! *************************************** REGISTER TODAY!! **************************************** ~Qualify for Liability Insurance upon success completion~ *************************************** 2017 Dates: Raymond, AB ~ April 2 - 8, 2017 ~ May 14 - 20, 2017 ~ June 11 - 17, 2017 ~ Sept 3 - 9, 2017 ~ October 23 - 29, 2017 ~ December 3 - 9, 2017 **************************************************************************** GRADUATE! Graduates of this 7 day intense raindrop workshop will receive Certification as a Spiritual Life Essence Facilitator plus Spiritual Raindrop Facilitator (Internship- removed automatically upon completion of practical experience) ***************************************************************************** REGISTER today!! **************************************************************************** PREPARED! Everything is included in the Registration price. Books, Exams, Certificates, 2 Certifications, current year membership/dues, certification registration fees, oils needed in class, on-line videos (as they become available), plus a Hand-book are all included. Graduates also qualify for liability insurance for their Raindrop sessions and Spiritual/Universal Practice (responsibility of graduate). Practical experience is required in the 6 months following successful completion of exams. Future years certification/membership fee is $195 plus GST (total for all certifications and memberships). **************************************************************************** LEARN! This program includes: Spiritual Raindrop Workshop 5 hours - Chemistry 5 hours - Anatomy 5 hours- Emotional Empowerment/Intention 5 hours- Technique Theory/Demonstrations 16 hours - practical practice and accreditation of skill 5 hours – written exam (open book) and accreditation of knowledge PLUS SPIRITUALITY! *Spiritual Empowerment Life Facilitator Program includes: -Higher Essence 2 Day (16 hour) Workshop -Spiritual Empowerment Workshop (40 hours integrated throughout the week and personal time) includes: ETHICS! ~Business Practices ~Business Ethics ~Professional Practices ~Informed Consent ~Assignments ~Empowering communication ~Empowerment techniques ~SELF Certification examination *Also Includes ACCREDITATION! -Texts and examinations (One written, one on-line and practical exam) -Full set of essential oils and blends -Tote Bag *Plus if desired you are invited to stay as a guest of the center -Bunk style room (double/triple occupancy or hide-a-bed) -Make your own food selections, kitchenette available(personal food may be brought in. Lemonade will be available). This is a gift....No discount is given if the student chooses to stay or eat elsewhere. ******************************** ******************************* Students will learn the actions of the oils, why they are used in the order they are, why we only use Young Living oils (beyond the seed to seal commitment), the powerful difference between anointing and adjustments, Reflective Stimulating Techniques, the power of thought and intention, 7 different body system raindrop protocols, & Reflective areas on the feet the correspond to these areas- plus so much more…. Individual practical experience and requirements will be given following the workshop which may be submitted electronically or by mail. Certificates will be handed out at the class. Energy Exchange- $3995 plus GST Discount: ~Former CARE Intensive students of Tamaine's receive $500 discount (or 75% of what is paid for the CARE classes attended with Tamaine-whichever is less) ******************************** ~When students leave this class they will have the confidence, knowledge, and expertise to be one of the best Raindrop Facilitators in the world. for more info and to register. ~The Spiritual Raindrop Boot Camp © is taught by Perfecting You From Within Association under license from Higher Essence Healing Inc. Certification is provided through Perfect Essence Academy Inc. which Tamaine Geldenhuys is an approved Examiner. ~For upcoming HEH Raindrop Coaching programs please visit ~For other classes taught by Perfecting You From Within please visit
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Professional Raindrop Accreditation **********7 DAYS*************** Spiritual Raindrop Boot Camp ******************************** ~When students leave this class they will have the confidence, knowledge, and expertise to be one of the best Raindrop Facilitators in the world. for more info and to register.
Photos from Perfecting You From Within Association's post
Become certified to offer the Raindrop professionally in 7 days *****SPIRITUAL RAINDROP CERTIFICATION BOOT CAMP***** ~Qualify for Liability Insurance upon successful completion of 7 days of training and examination. Location ~ Raymond, AB ~ February 19 - 25, 2017 (3 spaces available) ~April 2 - 8, 2017 (4 spaces available) ~May 14 - 20, 2017 ( 4 spaces available) Please visit the for more dates. ************************************************************* Learn the powerful techniques of a raindrop session which may assist the body to create wellness on all levels of the mind, body, and spirit. You will learn the actions of the oils, why they are used in the order they are, why we only use the oils we do (beyond the seed to seal commitment), the powerful difference between anointing and adjustments, reflective stimulating techniques, the power of thought and intention, 7 different body system raindrop protocols plus so much more…. Individual practical experience and requirements will be given following the workshop which may be submitted electronically or by mail. Certificates will be handed out in class and by mail Energy Exchange- $3995 plus GST ************************************************************* ************************************************************* This Program Includes: *Raindrop Cognition Workshop 5 hours - Chemistry 5 hours - Anatomy 5 hours- Emotional Empowerment/Intention 5 hours- Technique Theory/Demonstrations 16 hours - Technique Perfecting and Accreditation of Skill 4 hours – Written (open book) exam & Accreditation of Knowledge PLUS *Spiritual Empowerment Life Facilitator Program includes: -Higher Essence 2 Day (16 hours) Workshop -Spiritual Empowerment Workshop 4 hours Ethics 36 hours integrated throughout the week and personal time includes: ~Professional Practices ~Business Ethics ~Informed Consent ~Assignments ~Empowering communication ~Empowerment techniques ~SELF Certification examination *Also Includes -Texts and examinations (One written, one on line and practical exam) -Full set of essential oils -Tote Bag *Plus -if desired you are invited to stay as a guest of the centre -Bunk style room (double occupancy or hide-a-bed) -Make your own food selections (personal food may be brought in and lemonade will be provided). This is a gift....No discount is given if student chooses to stay or eat elsewhere. ******************************** ******************************* Energy Exchange- $3995 plus GST Credit to be applied from previous classes ~$500 for previous CARE Intensive Student ~$850 for previous Loved Ones Raindrop ********************************************************************* ~When students leave this class they will have the confidence, knowledge and expertise to be one of the best Raindrop Facilitators in the world. for more info and to register.
Perfecting You From Within
Harmonic Workshops in Canada! Add the power of tuning forks, chimes, color and love to the amazing Raindrop Technique. ************************** When frequency in a lower range are applied along with the essential oils on reflective points they drive the oils deeper and faster into the body. These classes are designed for anyone who has some knowledge of the Raindrop Technique. The classes teach the usage and addition of the tuning forks. *************************** These workshops are 12 hour classes and vary in the theory of the the methodology. From the way the earth moves on it's axis, to the frequency of the core of the being, to the way flowers and shells create strength. They are all powerful and miracle creating techniques. ******************** Save by attending three workshops together. ******************** Planetary Theory January 14, 2017 (2 spaces available ) February 10, 2017 ****************** Pythagorean Theory Jan 15, 2017 (2 spaces available) February 11, 2017 ******************* Sacred Solfeggio Theory Jan 16, 2017 (2 spaces remaining) Feb 12, 2017 Location: Raymond, AB ********************* New location special pricing Energy Exchange: $450 when one workshop is attended, $850 when two workshops are chosen & $1200 when all three workshops are attended. GST will be added to the price *********************** You may choose to stay at the centre in a bunk style setting as a guest if you desire, when all three sessions are chosen. No discount is given if this option is not chosen. Food is the responsibility of the student. ********************** The Basic Raindrop oils is used in the "Classic" version. The oils and the set of tuning forks can be changed to create a body system specific session, depending on wishes of client. Using the 3 theories - Planetary, Sacred Solfeggio and the Pythagorean as a system there many applications students will be introduced to...Basic, Neurological, Digestive, Circulation, Skeletal, Respiratory, Reproductive, and Immune will all be considered. Each of these sessions uses a different set of oils as well as tones. for more info and to register
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Upcoming Quantum Touch Workshops ************* Learn to: Accelerate healing of the Mind, Body & Spirit. ************* Raymond, AB March 25 & 26, 2017 June 3 & 4, 2017 November 4 & 5, 2017 ******************** Quantum-Touch is an interactive, energy based, heart centered modality. It teaches you to use breath work and body focusing techniques to raise your own energy level higher than the one receiving, so that the receiver entrains to the giver. These non-invasive techniques, along with a light touch, assist the body in restoring balance and harmony, thus affecting one’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. It can be used on all individuals of all ages and states of health and illness, including animals and plants. ****************** QT is easy to learn How can something so profound and powerful be learned in only a two-day workshop? Because you are born with this ability! We simply teach you how to use it. ****************** Energy Exchange- $460 Plus GST
Do you want to help others? Do you have a passion? Do you share a Naturally Pure Authentic product? Do you offer wellness services? Do you have a desire to assist others to become well? Is it a mission to have everyone in your country to learn of the great product or service you offer? Now is the time. Now is the time to facilitate wellness on a world wide level. Perfecting You From Within is creating a Business Directory and wants you and your product or service to be listed. Products/Businesses will be listed by category, company, service, location etc. depending on the number of each listing received. This web page has received over 500 views a day. Yes, that could be your business the searcher finds. Perfecting You From Within has a mission to assist everyone in the world to be well. It is expanding to offering web based classes so every country has the potential to be advertised to. The Business Directory will be listed on the new web-site that will be going live by January 31, 2017. Now is the time to list your business or businesses. Only $50/listing/year or receive 5 listing for $100/year or $10/month. Share in love. Be love. Receive love.
Become certified to offer the Raindrop professionally in 7 days *****SPIRITUAL RAINDROP CERTIFICATION BOOT CAMP***** ~Qualify for Liability Insurance upon successful completion of 7 days of training and examination. Location ~ Raymond, AB ~ February 19 - 25, 2017 (3 spaces available) ~April 2 - 8, 2017 (4 spaces available) ~May 14 - 20, 2017 ( 4 spaces available) ************************************************************* Learn the powerful techniques of a raindrop session which may assist the body to create wellness on all levels of the mind, body and spirit. Students will learn the actions of the oils, why they are used in the order they are, why we only use Young Living oils (beyond the seed to seal commitment), the powerful difference between anointing and adjustments, reflective stimulating techniques, the power of thought and intention, 7 different body system raindrop protocols plus so much more…. Individual practical experience and requirements will be given following the workshop which may be submitted electronically or by mail. Certificates will be handed out in class and by mail Energy Exchange- $3995 plus GST ************************************************************* ************************************************************* This Program Includes: *Raindrop Cognition Workshop 5 hours - Chemistry 5 hours- Emotional Empowerment/Intention 5 hours- Technique Theory/Demonstrations 20 hours - Technique Perfecting and Coaching 5 hours – written (open book) & practical examinations PLUS *Spiritual Empowerment Life Facilitator Program includes: -Higher Essence 2 Day (16 hour) Workshop -Spiritual Empowerment Workshop 4 hours Ethics 36 hours integrated throughout the week and personal time includes: ~Professional Practices ~Business Ethics ~Informed Consent ~Assignments ~Empowering communication ~Empowerment techniques ~SELF Certification examination *Also Includes -Texts and examinations (One written, one on line and practical exam) -Full set of essential oils -Tote Bag *Plus -if desired you are invited to stay as a guest of the centre -Bunk style room (double occupancy or hide-a-bed) -Make your own food selections (personal food may be brought in and lemonade will be provided). This is a gift....No discount is given if student chooses to stay or eat elsewhere. ******************************** ******************************* Energy Exchange- $3995 plus GST Credit to be applied from previous classes ~$500 for previous CARE Intensive Student ~$850 for previous Loved Ones Raindrop ********************************************************************* ~When students leave this class they will have the confidence, knowledge and expertise to be one of the best Raindrop Facilitators in the world. for more info and to register.
Tamaine no longer offers any CARE classes. Thank you for your support as we transition from where we are to where we are going... Higher... To a Higher Essence. Love you
WOW!! What a year so far. Students have flown from Ontario, come from Saskatchewan and Northern & Southern Alberta because they care. These fabulous students have empowered themselves to provide Raindrop Session and other essential oils application methods in an ethical and empowered manner with integrity. Anyone can do raindrop technique sessions... and some are willing to learn more, to acquire skills as will as ethics. Congratulations to the grads of the past few weeks. of the Higher Essence Healing Advanced Boot Camp. Spiritual Raindrop, Aroma~Smarts, Love Infusion, Higher Essence Healing, BEEM and the HRT method. I am so impressed that these ladies were willing to grow and learn Congrats. You are perfect.
Science finally Proves Meridians Exist
For those who ponder if the classes from Higher Essence Healing are for you... You learn techniques to access the natural energy flow of your perfect self. The first level introduces many techniques and skills to feel and connect to these flows while the second level allow you to begin to visualize them. Higher Essence Healing, Spiritual Raindrop Boot Camp, Love Infusion, BEEM, HRT & Higher Essence Healing Level II. Empower yourself to be and become the all you can be.