Nancy Dubreuil - Financial Planner
Financial Planner, Financial Security Advisor, intern registered with Planifia inc., Mutual fund dealer representative, resgistered with Mica Capital inc. I offer highly qualified professional to individuals, healthy investors, independent workers and business owners to enable them and their family to exceed their personal and financial goals.
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facebook.comPlacements: les jeunes femmes manquent de confiance
Vous manquez de confiance avec la gestion de vos finances, vous n'êtes pas seule! Do you lack confidence when managing your finances? You're not alone!
Quelques «petits trucs financiers» pour préparer sa retraite
Passez-vous plus de temps à magasiner un forfait dans le sud qu'à planifier votre retraite? Do you spend more time shopping for a deal for your next vacation down south than planing your retirement?
Nancy Dubreuil - Financial Planner
Important changes for the counsil of ministers
Photos from Nancy Dubreuil - Financial Planner's post
Congratulations to Améline Godin-Gosselin, queen Carnaval de Québec 2016, proud to have you representing the English community of Quebec city!!
9 billionaires who plan to give away the majority of their fortunes
And there are many more...
Nancy Dubreuil - Financial Planner
RRSP benefits that may be profitable for you.
New laws and policies coming into effect on January 1
A good article to read if you want to know more about new policies on taxes.