Everything fitness. We are the gym where everybody knows your name, and we're always glad you came. From NHL athletes to first timers, we have all of your fitness needs covered and more. Come and find out why we're the best gym in Prince George. Xconditioning is private training facility in Prince George - we have something for just about everyone. We have adult fitness classes, personal training, medical and specialty fitness programs, baseball school, as well as the best athletic performance training in Prince George! We strive to create a fun and enjoyable, yet hard-working and successful atmosphere. Why not enjoy going to the gym? Take the first step to success and contact us today!
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#tbt to 2011 when Kim and Wade lost a combined 155lbs in 9 months in our group fitness classes. Pretty crazy! #weightloss #swolemates #throwbackthursday #fatloss #groupfitness #princegeorge #xconditioning #xconditioningprincegeorge #findyourstrength #ironmecca #recomposition #transformation #awesome #partnersincrime
OUR SPRING DEAL IS HERE!! Come and train with us for a full week for FREE! With your 7-day Unlimited Pass you have full access to our Group Fitness Classes, Personalized Programs, and Open Gym. Come see why we’re Prince George’s best fitness. Visit our website to sign up and get started! #xconditioning #xconditioningprincegeorge #princegeorge #fitness #gym #gyms #gymlife #free #britishcolumbia #springdeal #fitfam #inshape #weightloss #strength #powerlifting #groupfitness #crosstraining #thebest
Full stock of new Biosteel supplements are in. If you’re looking for all natural flavour , colour and sweetener Biosteel is the choice.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all you swolemates out there!! Do you go to the gym with your significant other??? We have a whole schwack of couples at the gym!! 💐💐💐♥️♥️♥️#valentinesday #swolemates #xconditioning #princegeorge #fitness #fitfam #fitcouple #findyourstrength #swole #ironmecca
At Xconditioning We only use the best bars on the market for this exact reason. SAFETY. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars on our bars because we value quality, strength and safety for our clients. Cheap bars wear out, bend and break putting you at risk. We use only the best from Iron Wolf Bars, Texas power Bars, @westsidebarbellofficial @kabukistrengthlab if your gym doesn’t spend good money on good bars, maybe you should try a better gym with real bars. —————————- Curious to see the difference?? Check out our website in bio to sign up for a FREE 7 day trial! #xconditioning #gym #safety #princegeorge #fitness #powerlifting #weightlifting #strength #safety #strong #clients #fitfam #thebest #canadasstrongestgym #princegeorgesbest
Monday’s hours people #gym #xconditioning #princegeorge #familyday #fitness #groupfitness #fitfam
New stock of wrist and knee wraps are here. If you’re looking to take your lifting to the next level and want some of the best wraps anywhere. Come down to 505 - 2nd Ave and grab a pair.
Insert the Rocks promo voice 🎙 FINALLY!!! — FELIPE HAS COME BACK.... — To X...CONDITIONING!!! #thereturn #felipe #hesback #hideyokids #xconditioning #ironmecca #seeyouallmonday
Check out the booty burn! Ashley is workin dem glutes on our skating machine - it’s just one of the many awesome pieces of equipment that we have that you won’t find in many other gyms. Ash’s program goals are - and I quote, “to have a slappable derrière” so we’ve been workin hard with her on buildin that booty in our personalized programs 🍑🍑🍑 #xconditioning #peach #booty #glutes #fitness #fitfam #princegeorge #derriere #ironmecca #princegeorgesbest #gym #fitnesscenter
Just finished up a 1-hour nutrition consult with our client Paul who was one of our January “Bring in a Friend and Win” Promo winners — Paul is 3 pant sizes down since starting training with us and today we identified his goals and have set him up on a nutrition plan to further meet his goals. — Congrats Paul and keep that progress rolling! #nutrition #plan #goals #prepare #succeed #fit #fitfam #community #gym #fitness #xconditioning #princegeorge #findyourstrength