The Old Courthouse Inn
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facebook.comDue to medical issues and being out of the country Edie Rae’s Cafe will be closed now till Sunday February the 18th at 7am till 1pm. Again we are so sorry for the inconvenience this has been and looking forward to serving up our home style delicious and nutritious breakfasts again. Kelly and JP PS we will continue adding a discount to all the rooms as a good gesture for not being able to offer our amazing breakfasts to you our most valued guests
#whatsaninnkeepertodo take a vacation after 5 years of no real break #yucatanholiday this is what sunsets are like every night. Loving our holiday and already planning the next
#whatsaninnkeepertodo on a not so warm December?? #renovate a room in the inn. This door to our new Asian inspired room was just finished by myself this afternoon. It’s a beautiful Arbutus and fir door. #sogratifying. Stay tuned for the total Reno photos of the new room. Finishing up the chair rail and baseboards along with the window frames. So excited. #townsiteiswhereitsat #discoverbc #explorebc #powellrivertourism #powellriver
#whatsaninnkeepertodo with an few days before #christmas2017 #caskthursday @townsitebrewing featuring #perfectstorm with ginger and cinnamon can we say #bestbeerever oh yea and to make the evening even better we have @ego_of_romeo in his Christmas best. What a great time had by all. Oh and a special thank you goes out to our local realtor Curtis Yungen for buying the cask for everyone to enjoy for free. #merrychristmas #townsiteiswhereitsat #discoverbc #bcaletrail
#wineandpaintnight on a early December evening painting and sampling wines from the #okanoganwinecountry #townsiteiswhereitsat #whatsaninnkeepertodo
#paintandwinenight cold Tuesday in December #townsiteiswhereitsat #powellriver #hangingwiththegirls
#whatsaninnkeepertodo on a cold Tuesday in December??? I know.. host a #paintandwinenight the girls had a great time sampling wines and painting sunflowers. Thank you Ursula and all the people who came out.
#whatsaninnkeepertodo #casknight #bcaletrail #discoverbc #townsiteiswhereitsat #explorebc ok I have literally died and gone to beer heaven. #perfectstorm beer on nitro. Sooo friggin sexy and yummy. Perfect thick head and no burbs. Ok #townsitebrewing you have done it again. This innkeeper is slowly becoming an alcoholic.... thanks townsite Brewing aka Cedric the #brewgod
Another #caskthursday @townsitebrewing #whatsaninnkeepertodo drink the latest cask a sour ale with apricot and Amarillo. #townsiteiswhereitsat #explorebc #bcaletrail #discoverbc #powellriver