A very big family, we all help each other through the fitness journey.
A great group of Coaches
And we like to high five!!
Please contact for pricing and scheduling.
First session is FREE!
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facebook.comMay 16 Warm up Squibble for 10min Strength Back Squat E2MOM for 6min 5x 70% 3x 80% 1x 85% then... Back Squat E3MOM for 15min 3@90% WOD 3 rounds for time 6 power clean 135/95 or 60% of 1RM 12 box jump 24/20 24 kb swings 70/44 Time Cap= 10 minutes
May 15 Warm up 5-10 unbroken toe-to-bar (10-15 hanging knee raise) 60 du (120 skips) 2-8 unbroken mu (8 jumping bar mu, 8 russian dips, or 12 transitions) 60 du (120 skips) Strength E2MOM for 12min (6 sets) push press + push jerk + split jerk *from rack WOD 3 rounds for time 1k row or 800m run 2 legless rope climbs (3 rope climbs, or 15 strict pull-ups) 30ft HS Walk (16 shoulder taps) *everyone use rower for minimum 1 round Time Cap= 20 minutes Finisher 200m bear hug carry or farmer carry
May 12 Warm up Squibble for 15min Strength E2MOM for 8min 2-position snatch hang squat snatch + 2” below knee snatch (low hang squat snatch) WOD AMRAP 12 minutes run 200m 6 burpee box jumps 24/20 Forearms 200m farmer carry 60 supinated wrist curls 45/35 (forearms on bench)
May 11 Warm up Row 500m then... 6 rounds 4 push-ups feet on med-ball 8 med-ball cleans 12 overhead med-ball squats Strength E2MOM for 16 min hang squat clean + squat clean + jerk 65%, 70%, 75%, 85% (2 sets at each percentage) WOD AMRAP 5 minutes 5 ring muscle up or 7 bar muscle up 10 power cleans 155/105 or @65% of 1RM
May 10 Warm up Indian Run *Everyone run to stop sign and back in a line. The last person in the line sprints to the front. PARTNER WOD 24-18-12-6 deadlift 245/165 or @70% of 1RM 48-36-24-12 alt pistols rest 3min 800m run (each) 6 lengths hs walk rest 3min 3RFT 120 du 6 front squat (no rack) 205/145 or @75% of 1RM CAP= 28 minutes Finisher 2 sets Bulgarian split squat x8 Good morning x8
May 9 Warm up 8min AMRAP partner up at opposite sides of gym while partner 1 does 8 sit-ups as fast as possible while partner 2 holds plank until their partner tags them Strength E2MOM for 12min (6 sets) snatch deadlift + high hang squat snatch + full snatch *allowed to drop barbell between high hang squat snatch and full snatch if wanted or needed *as heavy as possible WOD 4 rounds for time 25 ttb 13 box jumps 24/20 12 alt db squat snatch 50/35 time cap= 17 minutes
May 8 Warm up 1 set with pvc pipe 30 oh squat 15 thrusters 15 RDL then… 15 tire flips Strength E3MOM for 15 minutes (5 sets) Back squat 5x 70% 3x 80% 1x 90% 2x1 95% WOD max reps 3 sets 45sec strict pull-ups rest 15sec 45sec push press 95/65 or @55% of 1RM rest 15sec 45sec push-ups rest 75sec Core 4 rounds 30 second hollow hold 5 v-ups 10 hollow rocks rest 1 minute
Hey all!! A few more changes starting this week! We are doing 9:30 am Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The 1:30 pm class will be Monday and Wednesday's :) please share!
Reminder for those who are participating tomorrow in Swole mates to bring warm clothes, just incase we end up outside in the cold rainy weather...
May 5 Warm up 2 sets 10 v-ups 15 burp 35sec plank Strength back squats E2MOM for 12min (6 sets) 4 @85% WOD AGOQ workout 3 2 rounds for time 10 deadlifts 315/225 or @80% of 1RM 20 hspu to deficit 4.5/3 30 front squat 95/65 or @ 40% of 1RM time cap= 15 minutes
It's the moment you've all been waiting for... Your Swole mate partner has been decided. Katie Shep & Ryan Duncan Isaac & Joe Wendy & Sharpy Brett & Rae Dani & Brittany Brenda & Pete Chad & Charlene April & Cam Mindy & Candice So there you have it, get to know each other, love each other and as always team uniforms are always encouraged. The weather for saturday looks like it could be cold and maybe rainy so bring warm clothes as there still may be outdoor events depending on how bad it is outside. Also bring snacks, we will break for lunch and bring $10 with you to pay for the event of you haven't paid already. Good luck lovers. See everyone on Saturday. The event starts at 9:30 am! So get there early.
May 4 Warm up 3 sets banded walk (forward, backward, lateral) Strength front squats take 20min to build to a 1RM AGOQ workout 2 (also known as 16.2) AMRAP in 4,8,12,16 or 20 minutes of 25 ttb or hanging knee raises 50 double unders or 50 single under 15 squat cleans* begin with a 4 minute time cap. if 1 round is completed in under 4 minutes extend time to 8 minutes. if 2 rounds are complete in under 8 minutes extend time to 12 minutes. ETC., adding 4 minutes per round completed for up to 20 minutes *1st round, 15 reps, 135/95 or 95/65 2nd round, 13 reps, 185/115 or 115/75 3rd round, 11 reps, 225/145 or 135/95 4th round, 9 reps, 275/175 or 155/105 5th round, 7 reps, 315/205 or 185/135